Puerto Rico is in the news after a comedian made a racist joke about the island at a rally donald trump in New York. He did it in the final stretch of the campaign for the presidential elections on November 5, in which the inhabitants of this territory cannot participate,Continue Reading


LOOK: How could the “racist” joke about Puerto Rico mean a setback for Trump in the key state of Pennsylvania? But little compared to the indignation caused among Puerto Ricans, a sector of the American population with increasing electoral importance, thanks to its diaspora in some key states for bothContinue Reading


“There is a floating island of garbage in the middle of the ocean right now. I think it’s called Puerto Rico.”, said on sunday Hinchcliffe at a Trump rally made in the Madison Square Garden in New Yorkimmediately generating a wave of rejection and citizen indignation, to which Puerto RicanContinue Reading


During a rally donald trump in it Madison Square Garden From New York, comedian Tony Hinchcliffe generated controversy by referring to Puerto Rico as a “floating island of garbage.” His comment caused laughter among those in attendance, but also unleashed strong criticism on networks and from political figures. “A lotContinue Reading