In the elections of 2004, Bush got 44% of the Latino votebut this Tuesday trump reached 45%, a surprising increase of 13 points compared to 2020, according to exit polls released by NBCNews. While another survey by Edison Research raises that support to 46%. LOOK: What will happen to theContinue Reading


What time do the polls close? Closing times in each state: 7:00 p.m. Georgia, Indiana, Kentucky, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia 7:30 p.m. North Carolina, Ohio, West Virginia 20 hours Alabama, Connecticut, Delaware, DC, Florida, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Mississippi, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Tennessee 8:30Continue Reading


In a few days, the world will know who will govern USA for the next four years. Although the campaign has been marked by milestones and chaos, such as the change of Democratic candidacy and the assassination attempts against the Republican contender, the citizen voting intention polls have always remainedContinue Reading

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The candidates for the presidential elections USA, Kamala Harris and donald trumpthey arrive at the elections on Tuesday, November 5, tied in the polls and the uncertainty will be clarified in seven disputed states where all eyes will be on this Tuesday. Democrat Harris leads Trump in the popular voteContinue Reading

INTERACTIVE 5.How does the US rank in terms of economy and gold reserves 1730722231

How does the United States compare with other countries on socioeconomic indicators? These six graphics provide an overview of the economy, demographics, healthcare, education and military spending as voters get ready to cast their ballots on November 5. Largest economy in the world The US has the largest economy inContinue Reading


How the 2024 USA Elections polls are going | Donald Trump or Kamala Harris: Who is winning in the 7 key states, according to the latest polls? | United States | Pennsylvania | Michigan | Nevada | Georgia | Arizona | North Carolina | Wisconsin | swing states | |Continue Reading

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EXPLAINER With widespread interpretations of Trump’s remarks, we review his comments in their original context. So what did he say — and what did he likely mean? By Amy Sherman | PolitiFact Published On 2 Nov 2024Nov 2, 2024 Former US President Donald Trump called former US Republican lawmaker LizContinue Reading

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1/6 Immigration A. “Crime in Venezuela… has decreased a lot because they have taken their criminals off the streets and handed them over to [mi rival] to introduce them into our country.” B. “I know we can live up to our proud heritage as a nation of immigrants and reformContinue Reading


Puerto Rico is in the news after a comedian made a racist joke about the island at a rally donald trump in New York. He did it in the final stretch of the campaign for the presidential elections on November 5, in which the inhabitants of this territory cannot participate,Continue Reading


LOOK: How could the “racist” joke about Puerto Rico mean a setback for Trump in the key state of Pennsylvania? But little compared to the indignation caused among Puerto Ricans, a sector of the American population with increasing electoral importance, thanks to its diaspora in some key states for bothContinue Reading