In his last year of Government, the president of , proposed a package of 20 controversial reforms to the Constitution, with changes to salaries, pensions, the judiciary, autonomous bodies and the composition of Congress and the National Guard, among others.

The proposals have only been announced by the president and the publication in the Official Gazette of Congress for details and full text.

LOOK HERE: AMLO presents ambitious plan of 20 constitutional reforms in his last year as president

These are the latest reforms of President López Obrador and they will define the direction of the legislative work of the 65th Legislature in the Congress of the Union of Mexico:

1) Recognize indigenous and African American communities as subjects of public law.

2) Reaffirm the right to adult people to receive a universal state pension and people with disabilities.

3) Grant scholarships for students of all levels of education.

4) Comprehensive and free medical care for all Mexicans.

5) That workers and their families are owners of their households.

6) Ban the animal abuse.

7) Prevent hydraulic fracturing either ‘fracking‘, ban transgenic corn. Deny concessions for opencast mining.

8) The State is obliged to guarantee the right of citizens to access Internet.

MORE INFORMATION: Did drug trafficking finance AMLO’s 2006 campaign? This is what a DEA investigation says

9) Make sure the areas with water scarcity and allow only the domestic water use.

10) Ban the trade of vapers and chemical drugs As the fentanyl.

11) That the increase minimum salary never be less than annual general inflation.

12) Ensure that the pensions for retired workers are 100% of your last salary.

13) Guarantee work for young people with up to minimum salary for one year while they train.

14) Provide a secure and permanent salary to farmers.

15) Use the 18,000 kilometers of railways for him passenger transport.

16) Reduction of expenses to political parties, eliminate multi-member candidacies and reduction of legislators Congress: 300 deputies (of the current 500) and 64 senators (of the current 128).

17) What electoral advisors and magistratesas well as judges, magistrates and ministers of the Power of attorney be a voter popular vote.

ALSO SEE: Sheinbaum affirms that the presidential elections in Mexico will be “clean and peaceful”

18) The National Guard returns to control of the Armed forces.

19) Convert the republican austerity.

20) Delete dependencies and autonomous organs.


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