expressed solidarity this Monday with in the face of the wave of fires that is devastating part of the South American country and offered to “provide the necessary help to the Chilean people” in this “difficult moment”.

My administration is in contact with our Chilean partners, and the United States stands ready to provide necessary assistance to the Chilean people. USA is with Chili in this difficult time“said the president of the United States, Joe Bidenit’s a statement.

LOOK HERE: Fires in Chile LIVE | Last minute of the tragedy in Valparaíso that leaves at least 123 dead

A total of 165 forest fires remain active in ten regions of Chile, including the coastal region. Valparaisowhere the chain of fire that started on Friday reached the suburbs of the city of Viña del Mar causing at least 122 deaths, in the greatest tragedy since the 2010 earthquake in the Andean nation.

Likewise, the American president stated that both the first lady of the United States, Jill Bidenas he are “deeply saddened by the loss of life and devastation caused” due to these forest fires.

Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by this terrible tragedy and the first responders working to fight the fires and support displaced families and individuals.“Biden added.

MORE INFORMATION: Boric travels to areas affected by devastating fires in Chile: “We will stand up”

According to him National Disaster Prevention and Response Service of ChileIn Valparaíso alone, nearly 8,500 hectares have already burned, including dozens of irregular camps (tomas) that hung from the hills near the natural park of the Penuelas Lake.


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