In his first speech after confirming his victory, Milei He said that “one way of doing politics has ended and another begins.” He added that It will take 35 years for Argentina to become a “world power” again..
LOOK: Why Milei won the elections in Argentina with a historic lead of 11 points over Massa
In August, Milei had said at the Council of the Americas, in Buenos Aires, that “the model of freedom” that proposes It is “a real change” that includes three generations of reforms and that “far exceeds” his political life.
The elected president of Argentina, Javier Milei, offers a speech in the electoral “bunker” after learning the results that gave him the winner of the runoff against the Peronist Sergio Massa. (EFE/ Juan Ignacio Roncoroni).
Economy: cutting public spending, social plans, Central Bank, dollarization
Initially, the plan Freedom Advancesthe match of Mileiwill focus on the significant cut in public spending and in a reform to reduce taxes, with flexibility in the labor, commercial and financial spheres.
LOOK: Javier Milei confirms that he will privatize YPF, Public TV, Radio Nacional and Télam in Argentina
With this reorganization of the State, the aim is to reduce expenses by around 15% of GDP, according to the program.
As for taxes, we will seek to eliminate 90% of these, as they “hinder” the economy. The plan of Milei argues that this will have an impact of only 2% of GDP in terms of collection.
In another stage, a reform to cut funds allocated to retirements and pensions and reduce the number of ministries to eight (currently there are 18).
The only ministries that will remain are:
- Ministry of Economy
- Ministry of Justice
- Ministry of Interior
- Ministery of security
- Ministry of Defence
- Ministry of Foreign Affairs
- Ministry of Infrastructure
- Ministry of Human Capital
At this stage also social plans will begin to be reducedthe health, education and security systems will be reformed and the Central Bank will be liquidated to lower the inflation.
“The closure of the Central Bank is not negotiated (…) we are going to try to do it as quickly as possible,” he said. Milei in an interview with the Argentine newspaper La Nación.
The privatization of public companies It is also on the agenda.
Once the economy stabilizes, Milei proposes to start with the dollarization.
The newspaper The nation interviewed the economist Carlos Rodriguezwho is one of the advisors of Milei. She advanced that To dollarize it is necessary to obtain US$ 40,000 million.
“With everything stabilized and with confidence on the rise, we have to go out and look for the money. That is what is needed to change the pesos and pay the commercial debt that exists. There will be money and gold in the Central Bank, in addition to something that may be contributed by the sale of an asset, such as a company. And that’s how you get there,” he said. Rodriguez.
Regarding labor reform, This will come once public spending is reduced and taxes are eliminated. It will go to a model with a schematic unemployment insurance instead of severance pay. “This model will allow the 8 million Argentines who are outside the system to join it with all the benefits that it implies,” the plan indicates.
Regarding commercial opening, the Chilean model will be imitated and all types of limitations will be removed, both for exporting and importing. “Free trade produces goods of better quality or better price,” the plan maintains.
It will promote the exploration of natural resources through a system of royalties and concessions.
Javier Milei celebrates with his girlfriend Fátima Flórez after winning the second round of the presidential elections in Argentina on November 19, 2023. (Photo by LUIS ROBAYO / AFP).
Energetic reform
Milei proposes eliminate economic subsidies for energy recalibrating the financial economic equation of contracts to lower the cost of companies.
Realistic tariff schemes will then be implemented. He maintains that this will not directly affect the pockets of Argentines because the cost will drop after the recalibration of the contracts.
There will also be the possibility of migrating to a demand subsidy for those Argentine families that require it.
It will promote the expansion of the transportation infrastructure of the electricity, natural gas, and crude oil systems through public interest declaration mechanisms and the call to the private sector through contracts.
In the last stage of the campaign, Milei denied that he was going to privatize education. Both the ministry of this sector and those of Health, Social Development and Labor will be eliminated and will become part of a new one, that of Human capital.
In education, according to his government plan, he proposes moving towards a model of free choice and competition. To achieve a better education, we will promote:
- Advance in greater degrees of freedom in the choice of content, methods and educators for schools.
- Allow families more levels of decision about the type of education they want for their children.
- Promote, in agreement with the provinces, pilot public education programs through the education system. vouchers.
- Establish a performance evaluation program for each school to establish a system of incentives and competition between different institutions.
- Eliminate the mandatory nature of comprehensive sexual education.
Javier Milei makes a gesture after casting his vote at a polling station in Buenos Aires, during the second round of the presidential elections in Argentina on November 19, 2023. (Photo by Luis ROBAYO / AFP).
Milei He has also denied that he is going to privatize health.
In his Government plan he proposes:
- Go from subsidy to supply (hospitals) to subsidy to demand (patients) so that each Argentine has the freedom to choose where they receive care without having to worry about the cost.
- Strengthen decentralization.
- Make all healthcare structures and the organization of the health function efficient.
- At the provincial level, encourage, strengthen and assist the development of provincial health insurance for the uninsured, disadvantaged and captive population of the public hospital.
- Make public hospitals responsible for the resources they manage.
- At the national level, free the captivity of social health insurance affiliates… so that people can choose by establishing free competition between all financing entities.
- Reform the current Ministry of Health in terms of organization, programs and institutes, based on achieving maximum efficiency of its functions and in particular creating a national insurance for high-cost diseases that reaches the entire population of the country.
- Protect the child from conception.
The presidential candidate of La Libertad Avanza, Javier Milei, greets his followers upon arrival at a polling station in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on November 19, 2023. (Photo by Emiliano Lasalvia / AFP).
Milei has proposed study the reduction in the age of imputabilityprohibit the entry into the country of “foreigners with criminal records” and deregulate the “legal market” for firearms.
In addition, it proposes equipping, training and providing technology to security forces to give them back their “professional and moral authority” and have “zero tolerance” for crime.
Victoria Villarruelwho will be the vice president of the country, wants the Armed Forces to join internal security tasks, something that currently falls to the police. He also promised that the military budget will go from 0.6% to 2% of GDP.
Foreign policy
Regarding foreign policy, the plan Milei proposes the alignment of Argentina with all the democratic causes in the world.
During much of the campaign, he stated that he would break relations with Brazil and Chinawhich are two of the main commercial partners of Argentina. But in the last stage he denied that he was going to do it.
He called Pope Francis a “disgusting lefty” and he described him as “representative of the Evil One.” He then moderated his criticism and said that he would welcome it if he wins the election and the Church leader decides to make a state visit.
It should be noted that in the government program of Milei the issue of the sale of organs, although he has mentioned the matter several times. “We are not proposing the sale of organs, we are saying that there are 7,000 people waiting for a transplant and 300,000 potential donors, there is something that does not work in the middle and that generates a lot of corruption,” he said.