https3A2F2Fs3.amazonaws.com2Farc authors2Felcomercio2Fbfae97da fc74 4b90 9b2e 5ef724f1d3fc

Police Spanish announced on Friday the arrest in the southeast of the country of a fugitive claimed by Peru for his alleged link with 16 murders in his country, and who was considered as the leader of the Los Alfiles criminal band. The arrested “Linding the criminal organization known as’TheContinue Reading

1738303582 https3A2F2Fs3.amazonaws.com2Farc authors2Felcomercio2Ff166835a 1a07 4080 9c33 5e7ee83f5eab

In a January 31but 1980, 37 people die in the assault and fire of the Spanish embassy in Guatemala by the country’s security forces, including two Spaniards. The embassy had been occupied by peasants and Guatemalan students who denounced military repression. Other ephemeris 1606.- executed in London Guy Fawkesaccused ofContinue Reading


On Monday, the Russian cargo ship Ursa Major sank in international waters of the Mediterranean Sea, between Spain and Algeria. Two of the 16 crew members, all of Russian nationality, are missing, while the survivors were taken to the Spanish city of Cartagena. The company that owns the ship, Oboronlogistika,Continue Reading


One of the possibilities has come from the mouth of former Spanish president Felipe González, who this Monday the 23rd offered to accompany the Venezuelan opposition leader, who is now in Spain as a political refugee after a wave of arrests dictated by the Chavista regime. LOOK: “If Trump takesContinue Reading


He Senate Spanish has supported a motion by the conservative Popular Party to pressure the socialist government Pedro Sanchez to recognize “unequivocally” the opposition leader Edmundo González Urrutia as president of Venezuelaless than a month before the inauguration of the elected head of state of the South American country, scheduledContinue Reading

https3A2F2Fs3.amazonaws.com2Farc authors2Felcomercio2Ff166835a 1a07 4080 9c33 5e7ee83f5eab

He Pope Francis He assured this Sunday, at the end of the Angelus, that he continues to pray “by Valencia and other towns of Spain” after the floods of recent days that have claimed 210 lives so far, while an undetermined number of people remain missing. “We continue to prayContinue Reading