AFP 20180125 XT8NV v7 HighRes TopshotSafricaPoliticsLanguageRightsProtest 1726489645

A new education law in South Africa is dividing legislators and sparking angry emotions in a country with a complex racial and linguistic history. Last Friday, President Cyril Ramaphosa signed the Basic Education Laws Amendment (BELA) bill into law but suspended the implementation of two hotly contested sections for atContinue Reading

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Hondeklip Bay, South Africa – Before day breaks on a cloudy morning in Hondeklip Bay, a small fishing village in South Africa’s semi-arid Namaqualand region, Patrick Rulph rushes out of his front door in track pants, a loose-fitting hoodie and a dark cap. The 61-year-old moves with urgency as heContinue Reading

2024 03 18T082322Z 983362334 RC24O6AQMJXJ RTRMADP 3 SAFRICA PROTEST 1724174045

Johannesburg, South Africa – For more than a decade, Johanna Motlhamme has been fighting to get her family home back after it was sold from under her, leaving her and her four children without their rightful inheritance. The 74-year-old’s plight is one that has its roots in the racist lawsContinue Reading