2023 12 09T110949Z 1614740602 RC2NT4ABYPXR RTRMADP 3 CLIMATE CHANGE SAFRICA PROTESTS 1739891834

A Group of African Countries is set to launch to Bank to Fund Oil and gas projects amid growing reluctance by western institts to further invest in fossil fuels. The Long-Planned “Africa Energy Bank” that is expectted to take off soon was announced lat june as a Joint Initiative byContinue Reading

INTERACTIVE Canadas pipelines map run through the US 1738675418

A Major Trade War Between The United States and Canada has Been AFTER US President Donald Trump Agred To Hold Off on Impossibility A 25 Percent Tariff for 30 Days. But Anger you have erupted in canadaWith People Calling for a Boycott of Us Products, and Suba Calling to StopContinue Reading

AP24319771538267 1734806688

Bogota, Colombia – On January 10, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro is set to be sworn in for a third term, after a contested election rife with accusations of fraud and repression. But as Venezuela prepares for the controversial inauguration, Maduro has repeatedly spent time on state media addressing an oldContinue Reading