By justifying his decision, Trump said “Venezuela He has sent to the United States, deliberately and misleadingly, tens of thousands of high -ranking criminals and other types, many of whom are murderers and people of a very violent nature. “ LOOK: What international laws would be violating the US andContinue Reading


Of the 261 people sent to El Salvador137 were deported under the Foreign enemies lawwhile the rest were taken under other federal laws. In addition to Venezuelans, they were admitted to the Terrorism Confinement Center (CECOT) Salvadorans with alleged links with the Mara Salvatrucha MS-13 gang. Read also: Ukraine isContinue Reading


Venezuela’s authorities released six Americans prisoners on Friday, after a meeting in Caracas among the president Nicolás Maduro and a special envoy from his pair of the United States, Donald Trump. “I have just informed that we are bringing six hostages from Venezuela”Trump published in X. Just Been ReportoD ThatContinue Reading


LOOK: Smolansky: “Nicolás Maduro and Diosdado Cabello are worth the same as the terrorist Osama Bin Laden” Trump will assume power this Monday the 20th, 10 days after Maduro prevented Edmundo González Urrutia from entering Venezuela as planned to take possession of the presidency after having won as an oppositionContinue Reading


Venezuela | Nicolás Maduro | Carlos Correa is released from prison | The regime has detained 221 politicians, 23 journalists and 6 human rights activists since July 28 | How many political prisoners are there in Venezuela? | Enrique Marquez | Rafael Tudares | WORLD | PERU TRADE SourceContinue Reading


Last Friday, January 10, the government of USA increased the reward for information leading to the capture of Nicolas Maduro from 15 to 25 million dollars. The announcement was made the same day that the Chavista president assumed power for the next six years in Venezuela, in what Washington describedContinue Reading


Venezuela | Nicolás Maduro: Is an international military intervention possible to remove Maduro from power, as Álvaro Uribe proposed? | Who is Erik Prince? | United States | UN | Donald Trump | María Corina Machado | Edmundo González Urrutia | Security Council | WORLD | PERU TRADE SourceContinue Reading


USA increased this Friday from 15 to 25 million dollars the reward for information leading to the capture of Nicolas Madurowho was sworn in today in Parliament, controlled by Chavismo, as president of Venezuela for the period 2025-2031. The announcement is part of a new set of sanctions that JoeContinue Reading


The Venezuelan political scientist Leandro Rodríguez Linárez he told The Commerce that January 10 should not be taken as an ultimatum or a deadlinesince he considered that the political situation in Venezuela It is not similar, for example, to a sporting event, where minutes count. READ ALSO: The new waveContinue Reading