Venezuela Elections 2024 | Edmundo González Urrutia | What will the military do if the opposition defeats Nicolás Maduro in the elections on Sunday, July 28? | Vladimir Padrino López | FANB | María Corina Machado | Fraud | CNE | WORLD | EL COMERCIO PERÚ SourceContinue Reading

2024 07 22T082832Z 709583407 RC2609AMQVCQ RTRMADP 3 TAIWAN DEFENCE 1721879857

Taiwan is currently in the middle of the 40th edition of its annual Han Kuang war gamesintended to assess its readiness to withstand a full-scale invasion from China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA). But amid rising cross-strait tensions, Taiwanese defense officials have said this year’s five-day military drill, which began onContinue Reading