Elections in Ecuador | Daniel Noboa and Luisa González | What do they have to do to win the second presidential return? | Who is the favorite to win the ballot? | Leonidas iza | When will the second round of the elections be held in Ecuador? | Rafael CorreaContinue Reading


LOOK: Idea condemned to failure? Trump insists on proposal to relocate Palestinians from Gaza, although with nuances For the Ecuadorian sociologist and political scientist Julio Echeverría, the main challenge for both will be credible to their proposal before the citizens, at a time when the divisions are on the riseContinue Reading


Who votes in Ecuador this Sunday? In Ecuador, the vote is mandatory for people between 18 and 65, while it is optional to adolescents between 16 and 18 years, for those over 65 and for police staff and the Armed Forces. SourceContinue Reading


Compared to the prison model of Nayib Bukele in El Salvadora maximum security prison rises in an inhospitable place of the coast of Ecuador Faced with the rejection of a local community and as a symbol of the “hard hand” that the president wants to impose on organized crime, DanielContinue Reading


It is January 2, 2025 and Luis Arroyo and his family are celebrating at their home in the popular neighborhood of Las Malvinas, in the south of Guayaquilhis daughter’s birthday. The girl turns 9, but the atmosphere is not festive. He hasn’t eaten for days, he’s sad. He misses hisContinue Reading


Ecuador | Where are the 4 children of Guayaquil? | What is known about the forced disappearance of 4 children in Guayaquil that implicates the Armed Forces? | Malvinas Case | Military | Daniel Noboa | Human Rights | Taura | Orange | VIDEO | the Ecuadorian Air Force |Continue Reading

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Ten people were shot to death early Sunday morning in a rural area of ​​southwest Mexico. Ecuador which remains under a state of emergency, the police reported. “There are nine dead bodies and a kilometer further in there is a corpse that is completely dismembered in a sack (…) InContinue Reading


Noboawho will run for re-election, You must request a license before January 5which is when the campaign begins, and leave office. According to the Constitution, the one who replaces him is the vice presidentin this case Abbot. But if the suspension against her remains firm, she will not be ableContinue Reading


Seven people were murdered on Sunday in the province of Guayason the coast of Ecuadorwhere drug trafficking gangs dispute power with blood and fire, the Police reported. “The death of 7 people was recorded”the police headquarters of the town of Samborondon (southeast), where according to local media there was anContinue Reading