He Pope Francisco He stated today that currently “war is in itself a crime against humanity” and asked those who have power in these conflicts to reflect on their consequences to put an end to them.
“Let us not forget to pray for those who suffer the cruelty of war in many parts of the world, especially in Ukraine, Palestine and Israel”the pontiff urged after praying the Angelus from the window of the Apostolic Palace.
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Francisco, who was able to read his message two days after suffering from mild bronchitis, lamented that although wishes of peace are exchanged with the new year, “weapons have continued to murder and destroy”.
“Let us pray that those who have power in these conflicts reflect on the fact that war is not the way to resolve them, because it sows death among civilians and destroys cities and infrastructure.”, he noted.
“In other words, today war is in itself a crime against humanity. Let us not forget this: war itself is a crime against humanity”he added.
MORE INFORMATION: Pope Francis calls for peace in the Middle East by remembering the historic gesture of brotherhood in Jerusalem
The Argentine Pope said that “The people need peace, the world needs peace” and encouraged “educate in peace”, alluding to recent statements by the Vicar of Custody of Holy Landthe Franciscan Ibrahim Fouls.
“We must educate peace. It is seen that we, the entire humanity, still do not have such an education that stops every war. Let us always pray for this grace, always educate for peace“, the pontiff concluded before the hundreds of faithful who listened to him from the St. Peter’s Square.