The foreign ministers attending the inauguration of Bernardo Arévalo as the new president of Guatemala, which must be held this Sunday, have been summoned to an urgent meeting by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship of Costa Rica, Arnoldo Andrégiven the impediments for the investiture to take place, revealed the Colombian president, Gustavo Petro.

The swearing-in of the new Guatemalan Congress for the period 2024-2028, made up of 160 deputies, must take place this Sunday in order to then give way to the investiture of the elected president, Bernardo Arévalo de León.

However, the Guatemalan opposition deputy, José Inés Castillo, assured this Sunday that the current Congress of the Central American country is avoiding advancing in its legal procedures with the aim of preventing the new president, Bernardo Arévalo, from being inaugurated.

What they are doing here is delaying the installation of Congress in its tenth legislature because they do not want to give Arévalo possession“Castillo, from the National Unity of Hope (UNE) party, of former first lady Sandra Torres, defeated by Arévalo de León in the 2023 elections, told reporters.

“The coup d’état is being brewed,” added Castillo, a legislator in opposition to the Government currently chaired by Alejandro Giammattei.

Tension in Congress

Tension has grown in the Guatemalan Parliament in recent hours due to a dispute over credentials that is hindering the inauguration of new legislators for the period 2024-2028, the tenth legislature since the establishment of democracy in the country in 1986.

The opposition deputies Aldo Dávila, from the Winaq party, and Karina Paz, from the Vos party and re-elected in office, criticized that the process to give possession to the deputies elected in the June 2023 elections is not progressing, while new requirements are requested that are not in the law.
