The newly sworn in president of Guatemalathe social democrat Bernardo Arevalothanked this Monday for the impartiality of the armed forces during the political crisis in the face of the boycott to prevent his inauguration, after a judicial attack led by the prosecutor’s office.
Bernardo Arevalowho was sworn in as ruler early this Monday, has been under the threat of criminal prosecution since June when he surprisingly went to a runoff that he won in August over the conservative former first lady, Sandra Torres.
“During the last 203 days, since June 25, we have shown the world that our democratic and republican system, despite the aggression it has faced, has allowed us to reach this moment in which I salute you as your general commander.“said the ruler when reviewing the troops as commander in chief.
“The attitude assumed by you (soldiers), your commanders, in this dark period reflects a high level of professionalization and commitment towards your flag, towards your country and towards our Constitution”he added.
Faced with the legal attack, indigenous peoples, university students, workers and other sectors blocked stretches of highway for about 15 days and held protests, including the capital.
The ruler also affirmed that the period of coups d’état that the armed forces supported during the 36 years of civil war (1960-1996) is in the past.
“The days when the political sector and military officers allied themselves to support authoritarian political regimes have come to an end.” in Guatemalahe claimed.
For the first time, the ceremony where a leader reviews the army was held in the Constitution Plazain the center of the capital, and not in a military installation.
MORE INFORMATION: Archbishop assures that President Arévalo represents hope for Guatemala
In addition, he commented that the military units will work with civil security “in the fight against threats such as organized crime, transnational crime and vulnerability to natural disasters”.
“Like any perfectible institution, we allow ourselves to express exhaustively our subordination and respect to the civil authorities, elected freely and democratically in Guatemala.“, indicated the new Minister of Defense, Henry Saenz.
He acknowledged that “Obstacles and difficulties of different kinds may arise along the way, but rest assured, Mr. President and Commander General of the Army, that the discipline and obedience of the members of the Guatemalan Army will remain intact.and”.