In a recent escalation of tensions between musical figures, the renowned Puerto Rican reggaeton players Don Omar and Arcángel have responded firmly to the statements of merengue player Omar Enrique. The latter had conditioned the artists’ presence in Venezuela on a public apology to the Chavista government, of which they have been critical.

The controversy arose when Omar Enrique questioned the singers’ right to give their opinion on the political situation in Venezuela, claiming that they do not live the reality of the country. However, Don Omar was quick to reject this position, stating that Venezuela needs “less corrupt people” instead of more concerts, and invited his Venezuelan followers to express his disagreement with the merengue player.

Arcángel, for his part, dismissed the idea of ​​apologizing, rhetorically asking “Do you apologize to whom, where, why?” In his statement, he emphasized the need for progress and quality of life for Venezuela, rejecting the notion that he must recant for expressing his truth.

“If to return I have to, according to you, apologize for telling the truth, I will settle for seeing Venezuela through photos and videos, charlatan, I will depend on you hiring me,” he concluded.
