In a but in 1994, Isaac Rabin and Yaser Arafat received the Prince of Asturias Award for International Cooperation.


1700.- proclamation of Philip V of Anjou as King of Spainwith whom he begins to reign Bourbons.

LOOK HERE: Attack or accident? What is known about the explosion on the border bridge between the US and Canada

1820.- Signed on Treaty of Benegas that ended the war between Buenos Aires and Santa Fe.

1859.- Published The origin of species of Charles Darwin.

1948.- The Venezuelan president Romulo Gallegos is overthrown by a coup.

1949.- Promulgated in Britain he “Iron and Steel Act”, by which the steel industry is nationalized.

1963.- Lee Harvey Oswaldassassin of the American president John F. Kennedyis shot dead by Jack Ruby when he was guarded by the police.

1969.- Return to the Land he Apollo XIImanned by commanders conrad, bean and Gordonafter having stepped on the first two lunar surface. It is the second time that astronauts from the US arrive at the Moon.

1974.- The American paleoanthropologist Donald Johnson discover in Ethiopia the fossil remains of Lucya female of the species Australopithecus afarensis3.2 million years old.

1978.- coup d’état in Bolivia led by general David Padilla.

1985.- 60 people die and 26 are injured in the assault by an Egyptian commando on Boeing 737 kidnapped the day before and diverted to the airport Valletta (malt).

1989.- The Central Committee of Italian Communist Party approves the plan Achille Occhetto for the refoundation of the party.

1994.- The French winemaker Jean-Michel Boursiquot identified in the Chilean vineyards of Carmen Vineyard a unique and different strain of Carmenere in the world, which was believed to be extinct.

2001.- The heads of State and Government of the 21 Ibero-American countries sign the Lima Declarationinside of XI Ibero-American Summit.

2002.- Lucio Gutierrez wins the presidential election Ecuador.

2003.- dies in Barcelona Snowflakethe only white gorilla in the world.

2004.- The Chilean justice seizes the assets of Augusto Pinochet for 4.2 million dollars, at the request of the judge Sergio Muñoz who investigates his secret accounts in the Riggs Bank.

2007.- The Labor Party Kevin Rudd ends eleven years of conservative government by winning the elections in Australia.

MORE INFORMATION: Gaza Strip under fire: Exploring the tunnels, overpopulation and the conflict between Israel and Hamas | Trade

2010.- The Spanish writer Ana María Matute is awarded with the Cervantes Prize.

2013.- presidential elections in Honduras. Victory of Juan Orlando Hernandez.

2016.- The government of Colombia and the FARC They sign the peace agreement that ends the 52-year armed conflict.

2017.- At least 300 dead in an attack against a Sufi mosque in the Sinaiin the largest attack in the history of Egypt.


1713.- Junipero SerraSpanish Franciscan missionary.

1794.- Juan Cruz VarelaArgentine poet and politician.

1864.- Henri Toulouse-LautrecFrench painter and poster artist.

1908.- Liberty LamarqueArgentine actress and singer.

1927.- Alfredo KrausSpanish tenor.

1943.- Manolo SanlucarSpanish guitarist and composer.

1954.- Emir KusturicaBosnian film director.

1970.- Julieta VenegasMexican singer and songwriter.

1990.- Sarah HylandAmerican actress.


1927.- Ion BratianuRomanian statesman.

1929.- Georges Benjamin ClemenceauFrench statesman.

1957.- Diego RiveraMexican muralist painter.

1991.- Freddie MercuryBritish singer and songwriter.

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2005.- Pat MoritaAmerican actor.

2006.- Robert McFerrinAmerican baritone.

2022.- Hans Magnus EnzensbergerGerman writer and editor.


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