In other but in 1969, the first ARPANET link, predecessor of the Internet, was activated between the universities of California and Stanford, in the United States.


1564.- The fleet of Miguel López de Legazpi paw of the christmas port (Mexico) heading to western islandsa company that culminated in the conquest of Philippines for the Spanish crown.

LOOK HERE: Why Milei won the elections in Argentina with a historic lead of 11 points over Massa

1783.- The physicist and chemist Jean-François Pilâtre de Rozier and François Laurent They make the first hot air balloon flight Paris.

1831.- Published the decree by which the National Museum of History of Mexicowhere all the archaeological, historical and natural material available to date is concentrated.

1877.- Thomas Edison announces in NY the creation of phonograph.

1905.- Albert Einstein publishes in the magazine Annalen der Physik his scientific article “Does the inertia of a body depend on its energy content?”, where he reveals the relationship between energy and the mass of a body.

1916.- sinking of Britannicsister ship of Titanicafter an explosion when sailing through the Aegean Sea.

1920.- British troops open fire at the Dublin stadium Croke Park against the public and the footballers causing 14 deaths in the middle of the war of independence. He was known as the firstBloody Sunday”.

1959.- The UN prohibits the nuclear testsdespite French opposition.

1962.- China announces the ceasefire and the withdrawal of its forces to 20 kilometers from the Indian line of control of 1959.

1964.- Inaugurated on Verrazano-Narrows Bridgewhich connects the districts Staten Island and Brooklynin NY.

1981.- For health reasons, the Argentine dictator Roberto Viola delegates power to the Minister of the Interior, the general Horacio Tomás Liendo.

1990.- The 34 European countries that make up the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE), except Albanianext to USA and Canadathey subscribe to the Paris menuwhich ends the cold War.

1991.- The Egyptian Butros Gali is elected secretary general of the UN.

1994.- Thirty-nine aircraft of the NATO bomb the Udbina airportin the rebel Serbian Krajina (Croatia), in retaliation for the Serbian attack on the Bosnian Muslim enclave of Bihac.

nineteen ninety five.- Dayton Agreement (USA) for the Balkans: The presidents of Serbia, Slobodan Milosevic; Croatia, Franjo Tudjmanand Bosnia, Alia Izetbegovicthey sign a “framework agreement” of peace that ends a four-year war.

nineteen ninety six.- The General Assembly of the United Nations Organization proclaims November 21 as the World Television Day.

2002.- The NATO invite Romania, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania to be members of this organization, in the largest expansion in the history of the Atlantic Alliance.

2003.- The UN stops managing the program in Iraq “Oil for Food”, which made it possible to distribute rations to feed 27 million Iraqis for seven years.

2006.- Killed in Beirut (Lebanon) the minister of Pierre Gemayel Industry.

.- The Australian swimmer Ian Thorpe announces his definitive retirement from competitions.

2007.- Jacques Chirac He is accused of diverting public funds in alleged jobs “please” in the Paris Mayor’s Office when he was first mayor (1977-95).

MORE INFORMATION: What are Milei’s proposals for Argentina to be a “world power” again in 35 years?

2012.- Mario Vargas Llosa receive in Mexico he I Carlos Fuentes Award to literary creation in Spanish.

2013.- Rescued in a house London three women who remained enslaved for 30 years.

.- Fifty people die when a shopping center collapses in Riga (Latvia).

2014.- The Spanish tonadillera Isabel Pantojasentenced to two years in prison for money laundering, enters the Sevillian prison of Alcalá de Guadaira to serve his sentence.

2016.- The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum Summit (APEC) culminates in Lime with the promise of their economies to become a wall against protectionism and advance the creation of a free trade area.

2017.- Iran considers the terrorist group defeated Islamic State in Syria.

.- Resign Robert Mugabe as head of state of Zimbabwe after 37 years in power.

.- Three ships of the Roman empire are discovered on the coast of Alexandria (Egypt) with various artifacts inside such as coins, ceramic vessels and glass pieces.

2019.- Colombian students and workers take to the streets of the country to protest against the president’s economic and social policy Ivan Duque.


1694.- Francois Marie Arouet, VoltaireFrench philosopher.

1898.- Rene MagritteBelgian painter.

1922.- Maria CasaresSpanish actress.

1924.- Christopher TolkienBritish writer.

[1945- Goldie HawnAmerican actress.

1965.- BjörkIcelandic singer, songwriter and actress.


1695.- Henry PurcellEnglish composer.

1874.- Mariano FortunySpanish painter.

1916.- Francis Joseph IEmperor of Austria-Hungary.

1993.- Bill BixbyAmerican actor.

nineteen ninety five.- Rafael Farinaflamenco singer.

2001.- Abdul Aziz Shahking of Malaysia.

2006.- Pierre GemayelLebanese minister.

ALSO SEE: “I deserve a death with dignity,” says Paola Roldán, who is debating the legalization of euthanasia in Ecuador

2007.- Fernando Fernan GomezSpanish actor, writer and filmmaker.

2017.- David CassidyAmerican actor and singer.

2022.- Wilko JohnsonEnglish musician, founder of the British rock group Dr. Feelgood.


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