The president of , presented this Monday the latest package of constitutional reforms of his Government, composed of 20 initiatives, with controversial changes to the pension system, the increase in the minimum wage, the election by popular vote of the judges of the Supreme Court and the elimination of the autonomous regulators.

In his presentation from National Palacethe Mexican president defended that his latest proposals for legal changes, which must be approved in the Congressare based on counteracting articles “anti-popular“that were introduced into the Constitution in the period”neoliberal” in the country.

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All those reforms of the neoliberal period contrary to the public interest are adulterations that deny the general meaning of our Magna Carta, which was the result of a popular revolutionary movement and therefore conceived from the beginning with a national, social, public spirit.“said López Obrador, who will leave power on October 1 at the end of his six-year term (2018-2024).

The Mexican president maintained that the reforms he proposes, precisely in the day of the Mexican Constitutionseek to establish rights and strengthen ideals and principles related to humanism, justice, honesty, austerity and democracy.

Specifically, López Obrador mentioned that one of his reforms will focus on revaluing the original communities in the country and providing them with legal certainty to be beneficiaries of social programs.

Higher pensions and minimum wage, fewer federal deputies and senators

In addition, he said that he will highlight the mandatory right of older adults over the age of 65 to receive a government pension and that all students at all educational levels can receive a scholarship.

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The Mexican president indicated that his proposals seek to guarantee the comprehensive and free medical care to all Mexicans, that minimum salary never rise below annual inflation and ban on the trade of vapes and chemical drugs As the fentanyl.

He promised to reverse the pension reforms of 1997 and 2007, as he said they unfairly affect workers and prevent them from retiring with 100% of their salary, while announcing the creation of a ‘seed’ fund which will start with 64,000 million pesos (about 3,770 million dollars) and will continue to increase over time to achieve this goal.

He also proposed that the State guarantee jobs for students who do not find opportunities with a minimum wage for up to one year.

AMLO On the other hand, he announced that he will seek to ensure that the 18,000 kilometers of railway tracks concessioned to private companies are recovered and used for passengers, as well as providing internet to the general population.

He outlined that the electoral councilors and magistrates will be elected by popular vote, as will judges, magistrates and ministers of the Power of attorney; and proposed eliminating multi-member positions in Congress and reducing deputies to 300 (from the current 500) and 64 senators (from the current 128).

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At the same time, he promoted the elimination of autonomous organizations and that the National Guard return to military command under the Secretary of National Defense (Sedena); as well as insisting on the so-called republican austerity so that officials cannot earn more than the president and are eliminated “privileges and extravagances”.

Among other changes, it also aims to reduce the consensus necessary to approve popular consultations and the revocation of mandate in the middle of each government period from 40% to 30%.

The changes will be delivered in an official protocol to the Chamber of Deputieswhich will be the first instance of the Mexican Congress to review, discuss and, where appropriate, approve the latest package of constitutional reforms of Andrés Manuel López Obrador.


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