The Us Department of Agriculture (USDA) You have unveiled a new plan to fight Bird Flu, The Spread of Which has created Severe Egg Shortage and Caused Egg Prices to Spike in the us.

The $ 1bn Plan Includes Financial Aid for Poultry Farmers as Well As Funding for New Research for Treatment and Vaccines. In the Short Term, The Agency Aims to increase Egg Imports to Meet Demand.

“American Farmers Need Relief, and American Consumers need affordable food,” Wrote Trump’s Agriculture Secretary Brooke Rollins in A Wall Street Journal Editorial. “To Every Family Stuggling to Bug Eggs: We Hear You, We’re Fighting for You and Help is on the way.”

US Secretary of Agriculture Brooke Rollins Speaks With Members of The Media Outsis The White House In Washington, DC, US, Februry 14, 2025. Reuters/Nathan Howard
US Secretary of Agriculture Brooke Rollins Speaks With Members of the Media Outsis The White House in Washington, DC, February 14 [Nathan Howard/Reuters]

But Just How Bad Is The Egg Crisis, What are the Details of Trump’s Plan to Ease Prices and When Could Consumers Get Relief?

How Much do Eggs Cost in the US?

On average, about $ 4.95 for a dozen.

That’s an All-Time High-Nearly Double The Price Just One Year, According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

In sum Big Cities, Prices Are Even Higher, Hitting $ 8 to $ 10 Per Dozen in Chicago, New York and San Francisco.

The Price Hike Has Turned Anyday Breakfast Staple into an indulgence for many consumers. Som popular Breakfast Chains, Such as Denny’s and Waffle House, Have Take to Adding Surchages for Egg Dishes. “To simple Egg Sandwich is like a luxury,” One Grocery Shopper in Chicago, Jon Harris, awed the reuters News Agency.

A sign is posted at the register read "Due to the Recent Price of Eggs, We Will Have To Add A .50 Cent Per Egg Surcharge to All Breakfets That Contain Eggs." At the Pepper Pod Restaurant, Thursday, Feb.13, 2025, Newport, Ky. (AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster)
A sign at the pepper pode restaurant in newport, Kentucky informs customers of a 50-cent surcharge per egg, February 13 [Carolyn Kaster/AP]


The Spike Is Largely Due To The Rise in H5N1 Avian flow Cases in Us Pultry Farms. Since February 2022, The virus has SweepT Through All 50 States and Puerto Rico, Hitting More than 1,600 FLOCKS, According to The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.

To Prevent Further Sp pread, Entire Flocks are Culled Whatver Viruses are detected. More than 160 Million Birds Have Been Killed During the Crisis, Including 30 Million This Year, Crypting Commercial Farms and Causing Major Egg Shortages.

“If there are no Birds to Lay Eggs … The We have a Supply Shortage, and that leads to Higher Prices Because of Supply and Demand Dynamics,” explained Jada Thompson, to Poultry Specialist at The University of Arkansas.

At the Start of this Year, The Number of Egg-Laying Hens in the Us Stood At 304 Million, An 11 Percent Decline From Five Years AUAR, ACCORDING TO THE USDA.

What Measures Did Previous President Joe Biden Take?

Biden’s Administration Spent About $ 1.5BN Combatting the Spred of H5N1 after it resurged in 2022. In Doing So, IT, IT Followed Longstanding Us Government Policy To Stamp Out Affected Poultry Populations Through Culling.

The Reduction in Number of Chickens Caused Egg Prices to Steadily Climb During Biden’s Tenure – From $ 1.60 Per Dozen In Februry 2021 to $ 4.10 In December 2024. The Price you have continued to rise since Than, Hitting $ 4.95 This Week.


What is different about trump’s plan?

While Trump Administration Officials Blamed Biden for Cabasting The Egg Price Hike Due to Culling Polies, The USDA has statled it Will continues with the Same Approach.

“Not anticipated Changes to Our Current Stamping-Out Policcy AT This Time,” Said Rosemary Sifford, Chief Veterinary Officer for the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, On Wednesday.

However, The Agency Has AnnoCed at $ 1bn Package of Plans To Tackle The Egg Shortage From Different Angles.

In a Press release onnesday, The USDA SAID IT WOULD SPEND $ 500M TO BOOST PHARMS ‘BIOSECURITY PROTOCOLS THAT PROTECT POULTRY FROM CATCHING H5N1 FROM WILD BIRDS, AND $ 400M TO REIMBURSE FARMERS WHOSE FLOCKS HAEN BEEN. It Also Said It Would Invest $ 100m to Develop New Vaccines, Treatments and Solutions to Protect Chickens from Bird Flu and Reduces The Need to Cull Them, as Well as Improve Surveillance During Outbreaks.

In Addition, The USDA Says it Will Look into How To Remave Burdensome Industry Regulations that drive up prices, including for back yard pultry keepers, and temporary import more Eggs.


The US produces The Vast Majority of the Eggs It Consumes. But with domestic prices at an there

One country that it is turning to Is Turkiye, which expectations to Ship 420 Million Eggs to The Us This Year, Six Times More than Last Year, According to the Turkish Egg Producers Central Union.

However, this is a small fraction of the us’s total demand, Equaling Less than a Half Percent of the 109 billion Eggs it produced in the year leading up to November 2024, According to Figures From Usda.

The us government you have not spent the Other Countries It Hopes to Receive More Eggs From, But It has historically recueled subd imports from Canada, The Netherlands, The United Kingdom and China.

As of 2023, The Netherlands was The World’s Biggest Egg Exporter, Selling More than $ 1bn of Eggs Abroad, Mainly to Germany, According to the Observatory of Economic Complexity. Turkiye, with $ 441m in exports, Fifth Rank. It feels must of songs to the gulf.

What do Industry Experts Say?

Trump’s multipronged plan to address The Egg Crisis You have been Received Positive By Industry Trade Groups.

United Egg Produvers, Which Repreas Companies Producing More than 90 Plant of Uggs, Thanked Trump for “Stepping Up To Take Action.”

“President Trump and Usda Secretary Brooke Rollins have demonstrated their commitment to working alongsis america’s Egg Farmers in Addressing the devastation of hpai [avian influenza] On the US EGG Industry By Driving Resource and Expertise to WHERE them are Most Needed, ”Said The Group’s President Chad Gregory in A Statement Shared On X.

However, Sub Experts Are Pushing for A Quicker Rollout of Vaccines For Chickens, Which Are Currently Time-Consuming to Administer and Risk Unantentionally Damaging The Whole Pulttry Market. That’s Because Sub Foreign Buyers Do Not Take Pultry from Countries that Vaccinate Against H5N1, Fearing The Vaccine Might Simply Mask A Proliferation of the virus.

“It Sure Sems to Me That We’re Going To have to start using Vaccines If We Want To Start Putting This Fire Out,” Said Gregory Gray, to University of Texas Medical Branch Professor.

Will Egg prices Fall or Continue to Rise?

The USDA PROJECTS Egg Prices Will Surgele Another 41 Percent This Year.

However, Rollins Believes That within A Year or Two, Prices Will return to the $ 1.30 to $ 2 per dozen Range Observed During Trump’s First Terst Terst From 2017 to 2021.

In a News Conference on Februry 24, She Said “The Bottom Line for Consumers… is that we will fix it.

“We’ve Got Our Work Cut out for us,” She Acknowledged.
