LOOK: Netanyahu orders to “prepare” an offensive against Rafah, in southern Gaza

The Islamist proposal reached Netanyahu’s office and, according to a text spread through Telegram, consisted of three stages in which the withdrawal of the Israeli air forces from the populated areas of the Gaza Strip, the entry of more humanitarian aid to the Palestinian enclave and the beginning of the reconstruction of hospitals and homes.

Given this, the prime minister of the Hebrew state assured that the negotiations with Hamas “they’re not going anywhere” and that its terms were “strangers”.

There is no other solution beyond a complete and final victory“said Netanyahu during a press conference in which he also announced that the Hebrew forces are preparing to enter the city of Rafah, in the south of the Gaza Strip, where thousands of Palestinians have arrived fleeing the incessant bombings on the northern and central area of ​​the enclave.

Prime Minister Netanyahu does not accept the deal and Israel will continue to put Hamas under heavy military pressure until they feel strategic needs have been met.“, he comments to Trade Israeli researcher and professor at the University of Haifa Ido Zelkovitz.

Netanyahu’s statementsThey don’t help much because there won’t be a ‘total victory’, there should already have been one. What there is is a number of deaths that continues to grow and there are no indications that Hamas is going to be totally defeated.”, points out the internationalist Carlos Novoa.

– The Hamas proposal –

Hamas’s proposal consisted of three stages. The first consisted of a 45-day pause in fighting in which all Israeli women held hostage, men under 19, the elderly and the sick would be released.

In exchange, the Hebrew side would have to release three imprisoned women or children for each hostage returned.

In addition, Israeli forces had to withdraw from the populated areas of the strip and the construction of hospitals and refugee camps would begin.

Israeli soldiers patrolling an area of ​​Khan Yunis, Gaza’s main city, in southern Gaza. (Photo by Nicolás GARCÍA / AFP).


Once this phase was completed, the second phase would move on, in which the remaining hostages would be exchanged for more Palestinian prisoners and in which the Israeli forces would have to completely abandon Gaza.

In the third phase, the bodies and remains of the hostages and prisoners who died under the control of the opposing side would be exchanged.

To date, Israel estimates that Hamas still holds more than 100 hostages under its control; In addition, it is believed that there are 27 others who have died during their captivity.

Before Netanyahu’s response was known, the international press reported that US President Joe Biden had described “a little exaggerated” Hamas’ offer.

But the underlying question is, why would the Islamist group be willing to negotiate a ceasefire now? “Hamas proposes the truce because it is under intense pressure, both from the Gazan population, which is in the worst conditions since 1948, and from Qatar, which is trying to put the group on the ropes so that they sign the ceasefire and thus the emirate demonstrates that can be important for these types of situations”says Zelkovitz.

– Uncertain future –

In the 123 days that the war between Israel and Hamas has been going on, it is estimated that more than 27,000 people have died in the Gaza Strip, a figure that is added to the nearly 1,300 Israelis who died on the Israeli side during the October 7 attacks. .

In all this time, the only respite that has been achieved was a brief seven-day truce at the end of November last year that allowed the exchange of 110 hostages for 240 prisoners.

In November 2023, Hamas and Israel exchanged hostages and prisoners with the mediation of the Red Cross.

In November 2023, Hamas and Israel exchanged hostages and prisoners with the mediation of the Red Cross.


Since the beginning of the conflict, moreover, the Israeli authorities have tirelessly repeated that it will only end with the total elimination of the Palestinian group.

If Hamas survives in Gaza it will only be a matter of time until the next massacre occurs“, Netanyahu said this Wednesday, in a clear sign that this idea has not changed in the Hebrew government.

From the Israeli point of view, Hamas cannot be allowed to have any type of power again or participate in any political process because otherwise they will inevitably perpetrate something as terrible as the October 7 attacks again.”confirms Zelkovitz.

In addition to this, Novoa considers that Netanyahu’s response responds to immense pressure that hangs over his government and comes from two fronts.

It must be taken into account that Netanyahu has two problems right now, one internal and one external. The external is the prolongation of the war in Gaza that does not reach any port because although the structure of Hamas has been cracked, it has not been defeated. The other is an internal problem because there are still 100 hostages kidnapped in Gaza, there is pressure from relatives and Israeli public opinion. From there, Netanyahu needs to deliver a strong blow that is not in line with what Hamas offered.”, explains the analyst.
