What is Narcan? And why did Arcangel name the tiraera that way for Anuel AA?
In the vibrant world of reggaeton, where rivalries are disputed with sharp rhymes, Arcángel and Anuel AA have staged an epic confrontation that is shaking the foundations of urban music. What began as a succession of explosive releases has taken an unexpected turn with the introduction of the enigmatic “Narcan.”
The fight began with “Merry Christmas 8”, the spark that lit the fuse of the conflict. Anuel AA responded with the fierce “Glock, Glock, Glock,” unleashing a storm of controversy. But what followed was not just a musical counterattack, but a direct and visceral response that took the lyrical war to new levels: “El Narcan.”
But what does Narcan mean?
Narcan is the brand name for Naloxone, a medication that can save the life of a person who overdoses on heroin, fentanyl, or other prescription opioid medications.
Well, Arcangel uses this reference to highlight Anuel AA’s alleged addiction to said narcotics.