On April 30, 2024, WEBTOON launched the “Super Like” monetization program for creators on its self-publishing platform known as CANVAS. In the first few days the reception was mixed from various creators, who mainly took to X to voice their concerns while other creators took to enrolling in the new monetization program. One of the most notable topics in the discussion centering around Super Likes is how the feature seemingly replaced the Patreon button at the end of episodes on the iOS/Android app with the Super Like button. Here’s a sampling of some of those comments regarding that change:

Joukijo (creator of Forget Me Now)
They removed the patreon button AGAIN from the place it matters the most, at the end of episodes. Even if you don’t enable super likes patreon button is gone. WEBTOON takes a cut of this ON TOP of patreon fees after payout for work they pay NOTHING for.

webtoon removed a program that gave creators who make more than 40,000 views $100 per month. They said they were replacing that with a “tipping feature”. We only get 40% of the money from this new feature (super likes), and they’ve removed the Patreon button from our works.

hey again webtoon, it’s me. your patreon button beneath episodes seems to have been lost again. let me know when this will be back on mobile and desktop again, hope it’s soon. thanks ♥️

This change led to many creators requesting either the Patreon button return at the end of episodes or for UI and design changes in the app to have both buttons co-exist if the series is enrolled in the program and supported via Patreon. You can read more about that in this article detailing the first few days after the launch of Super Likes here on The Beat.

WEBTOON initially responded on May 1, stating that they would be revisiting the changes, which highlighted many creators. However as weeks went on, some creators would ask how soon those previous features would be re-implemented. WEBTOON would then respond with another tweet on May 13th as a reply to @artbytesslyn on X/Twitter.


4 days later, users who have updated their app on iOS/Android devices will now see that as requested, the Patreon button has indeed returned to creators who have linked their WEBTOON account to their Patreon. This is further confirmed by WEBTOON who released a follow-up tweet on May 17th.


In other WEBTOON news, a notice was released on May 14 with news about upcoming changes to the Ad Share program for creators on Canvas. The news update details how in the coming days, the page view threshold to be eligible to enroll into the program has been lowered from 200,000 Global Monthly page views, to 100,000 Global Monthly page views. While still being a bit high in my opinion, this is a change in the right direction, as it will allow more Canvas Creators who are growing their series to have a better chance at applying for revenue share from ads through WEBTOON.


This comes after creators would need a minimum of 1000 subscribers and 40,000 Global Monthly page views initially to enroll into the revenue sharing program, but would need to maintain over 200,000 Global Monthly page views to remain eligible.


So what do you think about these updates to WEBTOON Canvas? Think they’re good? Bad? Comment down below to let us know!

Feel free to follow Webtoon Canvas on their X/twitter for news on Super Likes, Canvas series being green lit for Originals, and for spotlighting various Canvas series on the platform.

Also feel free to follow me on X/Twitter where I post my art and progress on my own WEBTOON as well as mods for video games, retweet comic book news, and the occasional art and memes if that interests you.

You can also read my article on The launch of Super Likes here on The Beat.

Until next time, my adorable nerd birbs <3
