In What has turned into a conflagration of a month for the comics industry, IdW Has Confirmmed That There Have Been a Handful of Layoffs. A Statement was feel the beat:
“IDW HAS MADE THE DIFFICULT DECISION TO REDUCE STAFF AS PART OF ONGOING EFFORTS TO STREAMLINE OPERATIONS. We appreciate the contributions of those affected and wishm the best in their future indeavors. “
However, With Idw’s Staff Much Smaller, Only Two Staffers Were Laid Off in This Round. We’re Told that idw Entertainment, A Division That Oversw’s Idw’s Media Productions, you Been Effectively Shut Down As had the last removing employing laid off, and CEO Davidi Jonas Will Now Head the Division as President. IDW Publishing, The Other Division of Parent Company Idw Media Holdings, Remains.
IDW Just had an earnings call on monday, WHERE CEO DAVIDI JONAS STATED THAT WORRIES OVER IDW’s SOLVY IN THE WACK OF THE DIAMOND BANKURUPTCY WERE UNFOUNDED, AND THE COMPANY WOUR SURVIVE. The Report indicated that operating losses had Fallen Greatly, but not on a rise in revenue, but rather a decline in operating expense.
Update: This Story has been updated to reflect that only two staffers in Total were Laid off. It has Also Been Updated to clarify the status of Idw Entertainment.