The former president of the United States (2017-2021) presented this Monday its last possible reply brief before the Supreme Court studies on Thursday whether the state of It can keep him off the ballot in the electoral process prior to the November elections.

In the text, his lawyers compared his possible disqualification with that of the opposition candidate Maria Corina Machado in Venezuela because, according to them, the plaintiffs seek to impose “that same undemocratic measure” against Trump.

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At a time when USA threatens sanctions against the socialist dictatorship in Venezuela for excluding the main opposition presidential candidate from the vote“, highlighted the lawyers, who defined Trump as “the main candidate for the presidency of the United States”.

He American High Court A hearing is scheduled for Thursday to determine whether the Amendment 14 of the Constitution disqualifies the former president from participating in the Colorado Republican Primary after being accused of leading a “insurrection” during the known as ‘assault on the Capitol‘ in January 2021.

A group of voters in that state allege that their participation amounts to insurrection, that the Constitution would prevent them from holding office, and that they should not appear as a candidate on the ballot.

On December 19 of last year, in a ruling unprecedented in the history of the United States, the Colorado Supreme Court had determined that Trump could not participate in the Republican primaries in that state for his role in said attack.

Later, on December 28, Maine became the second state to disqualify Trump. In this case, the decision was made by the authority in charge of organizing the elections in that constituency, the Secretary of State for Mainethe democrat Shenna Bellows.

The 14th Amendment was approved in 1868, after the civil war in the United States, with the aim of preventing the southern rebels of the Confederacy, who had sworn to the Constitution and then betrayed it, from coming to power.

In the complex American political and electoral system, where the states are in charge of organizing the elections, even if they are presidential, each one has its own rules, so similar demands can have a different outcome.

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This is where the Supreme Court becomes more important, since a ruling from the High Court should be followed throughout the nation.

Although the public hearing to study the case will be this Thursday, February 8, it is not yet known when the Supreme Court will issue its ruling or how far it will go.

The primaries in Colorado and Maine are scheduled for March 5.


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