Syria announced today that it shot down two drones from Israel over the skies of Damascusjust two days after a bombing attributed to the Jewish State killed at least nine people in the center of the country, the official SANA news agency reported.
“At around 2:10 p.m. (11:10 GMT) this afternoon, two unmanned aircraft violated Syrian airspace from the direction of the Golan occupied syrian. Our anti-aircraft defenses have confronted them and shot them down in the west of Damascus”he indicated FURYwhich cites an unnamed military source.
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The borderers Golan Heights They have been in the hands of Israel since it seized them from Syria in 1967, and years later unilaterally annexed them.
He Syrian Observatory for Human Rights confirmed in a statement that several explosions rang out this afternoon in the Syrian capital and its surroundings, due to an unattributed attack directed against the area of the Syrian Military Airport. MezzehWest of Damascus.
According to the NGO, based in United Kingdom and a wide network of collaborators on the ground, in that area several positions of the Lebanese Shiite group are located Hezbollah and other pro-Iranian militias.
The incident occurs after an airstrike attributed to the Jewish State last Wednesday killed at least nine people in the central province of Homsmostly civilians but also including some members of Hezbollah.
Although they already occurred relatively frequently before, Israel has intensified its actions against Syrian territory since the beginning of the war Loop last October 7th.
Often, these bombings are directed against targets of pro-Iranian militias that are present in Syrian territory as allies of President Bashar al-Assad, including Hezbollah or one’s own Iranian Revolutionary Guard.