a son of Luis Donaldo Colosio Murrietaassassinated in 1994 when he was running for president of Mexicoasked the president this Monday Andrés Manuel López Obrador a pardon for Mario Aburtoconfessed murderer of his father.
“Appealing to the president’s compassion, I would say that he better pardon Mario Aburto (…), to put a final shelve on this matter, to allow both my family and Mexico to heal.“, said Luis Donaldo Colosio Riojaswho currently serves as mayor of Montereyin the north of Mexico.
The request comes three weeks after a judge threw out evidence presented by the Attorney General (FGR) against a “second“gunman allegedly involved in the crime, as revealed this Monday by the investigating agency, which assures that this man acted with the complicity of the deceased National Security and Research Center (CISEN).
“All the evidence provided by the FGRand especially those of blood tests, demonstrate that the victim’s blood type was found on the clothing of said accused“, the FGR said in a statement, in which it announced that it will appeal the judge’s decision.
Colosio was shot dead when he was a candidate for the then hegemonic Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) during a rally in Tijuana (state Baja California), borders with USAon March 23, 1994.
Aburto, 53 years old, is so far the only person imprisoned for the assassination that shook the country during the government of Carlos Salinas de Gortari (1988-1994), of the PRI.
According to the investigations, the man admitted to being Colosio’s murderer and having acted on his own. He was sentenced to 45 years in prison.
Colosio Riojas asked “leave this in the hands of another justice, because the Mexican justice was obliged at the time and today what we want is to turn the page and build something new”.
MORE INFORMATION: United States: Joe Biden promises to “close the border” with Mexico if Congress gives him the authority to do so
Last October, a court granted Aburto an injunction that invalidated his sentence, arguing that he should have been prosecuted based on the Penal Code of Baja California and not with the federal one.
In this regard, Colosio Riojas said that the Attorney General’s Office has not contacted his family and expressed his rejection of the issue being “hackneyed” in electoral times.
“It’s making noise unnecessarily. Because until now? Why always during election time?”, he questioned in reference to the presidential elections on June 2.