Fans expressed concern about the fall as a SERRANO heart singer. Photo: Facebook

The incident occurred during a presentation of Serrano Heart in Piura. What happened? We tell you.

During a presentation in his homeland, Piura, the Cumbia group Serrano heart He went for a moment of great concern when one of his members suffered an accident in full show. The incident occurred in front of its audience, generating concern among the attendees.

The singer Milagros Díaz She was the protagonist of this unexpected mishap, since she suffered a sharp fall while performing the choreography of one of the group’s songs. Due to the impact he could not continue with the show and had to leave the stage to recover.

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What happened to Milagros Díaz de Corazón Serrano?

The incident starring Milagros Díaz It happened a few days ago in a presentation at Bajo Piura, when Kiara Lozano He interpreted the theme ‘My heart is crying’ and the rest of the vocalists performed the choreography behind her.

(Source: Tiktok)

During one of the turns, Milagros Díaz He lost his balance and fell loud in the eyes of the attendees. Immediately, when you realize, your companions Susana Alvarado and Lesly Águila They came to raise it without fear of not continuing with choreography.

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Fans and his concern for Milagros Díaz

The singer’s video of Serrano heart It soon became viral on social networks like Tiktok, unleashing a wave of comments among the followers of the Cumbia group. While some showed their concern for the health of Milagros Díazothers applauded the immediate reaction of their companions to assist her after the fall.

However, for the tranquility of the followers of the Piura group, in other videos it was possible to see that Milagros Díaz was well and that he was bastarding to the side of the stage after the fall he suffered.

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