Serrano heart breaks her on YouTube with her new releases. Photo: Instagram

Edwin Guerrero Neira responded about the comment he made in one of the videos of the singer Ale Seijas.

Edwin Guerrero Neira, leader of Serrano heartwork hard on new songs for the Piura group. However, despite its busy schedule, there is also time to communicate frequently with your followers.

In this sense, the musical director of Serrano heart decided to clarify the comment he made in a video of Ale Seijassinger of They are from Duke.

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What did Edwin Guerrero say about his video comment from Ale Seijas?

The young singer Ale Seijas published a video in which he allegedly received a call from Serrano heartbut said he did not accept because he already belongs to They are from Duke. However, he then clarified that it was only a joke, without imagining that Edwin Guerrero Neira would comment on his video.

Given this, through a Tiktok transmission, Edwin Guerrero Neira He talked to his followers and explained that his comment in Ale Seijas’s video had no bad intention, but simply wanted to follow the joke.

(Source: Tiktok)

“I knew it was humor. I like the girl very well, it seems like a growing artist. At no time I did it in bad faith, I simply liked and answered with humor. I put him: ‘Can you tell me who has called you?’ And they have attacked me, they have told me everything, ”explained the musical director of Serrano heart.

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Serrano heart breaks her on YouTube with her new releases

As the own Edwin Guerrero Neirathe first two videos of the Piura group group at the San Marcos Stadium were already released. These are new themes in the voice of Sky Fernández.

Precisely, the ‘Mix little me’ In a few days it is already a trend ‘number 1, on YouTube Peru. The song has already added more than 1 million 500,000 views. Also, the subject ‘You’re leaving and you won’t return’ He already exceeded one million views.

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