New York Comic Con is starting their latest wave of guest announcements, and this one will make readers of the Semantic Error webcomic very happy, as the convention has announced that illustrator Angy will make their first-ever US appearance, courtesy of the comic’s US publisher IZE Press. More details on their appearance will be made via IZE Press social media channels closer to the event, which will be held from October 17 to 20 this year.

For those that might not be familiar, Angy will be the first high-profile guest in the realm of Korean comics in the history of New York Comic Con and Semantic Error is but one of many high-profile works the celebrated illustrator has handled, with Mr. Kim and the Suspicious Wife and Master Baek’s Case Notes also garnering notoriety and attention in their career. Her most visible work outside of Korea is the webcomic adaptation of Semantic Erroran iconic Boys Love series that has been widely adapted in various formats since its release, including the original webnovel by J. Soorithe popular webcomicand the award-winning live action K-drama adaptation.

The Semantic Error webcomic was first serialized in English on Blanketwhere
the series rose to become one of the most popular examples of Korean Boys Love comics. In April 2024, IZE Pressone of the few English-language Korean comic publishers announced a print release set for later this year and describes the first volume:
Computer science major Sangwoo Choo values reason, routine, and rules above all, so when the rest of his teammates fail to contribute to the group presentation, he doesn’t hesitate to cut everyone’s names from the project entirely—including design major Jaeyoung Jang, which ruins his plans to graduate and study abroad. Jaeyoung is more than happy to return the favor and strives to be the biggest thorn in Sangwoo’s side—but as they spend more time together, a strange attraction begins to develop between them… Will Sangwoo be able to debug this semantic error from his life he?
Source: Press Release