The Foreign Minister of , said this Tuesday that his country’s mediation team has received a response “positive” from the Islamist group in relation to the proposed agreement for the release of the hostages held captive in the .

I would like to inform the media that we have received a response from Hamas on the general framework of the hostage agreement. The response includes some comments, but is generally positive.“said the Qatari minister at a press conference in Doha together with the US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken.

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Bin Abderrahman, who refused to give details given the sensitivity of the circumstances, was “optimistic” and assured that they have already delivered Hamas’ response to Israel.

Although the details of the draft agreement have not been published, the latest leaked information points to the release of the 136 hostages held by Hamas in captivity, some already dead, for a period of 142 days in exchange for the release of more than 100 prisoners. Palestinians held hostage.

However, the Islamist group demands as a starting point the Israeli commitment to agree to a permanent ceasefire that ends the war, something that Israel is not willing to accept because its objective is “dismantle Hamas”.

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The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahuinsisted a few days ago in his weekly meeting with the government cabinet that Israel “will not accept any agreement, nor at any price” about a truce in the Gaza Strip.

The agreement proposal was forged a week ago in Paris by representatives of Israel, USAand the main mediators in the conflict: Egypt and Qatar, and contemplates a truce in exchange for an exchange of hostages for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails.


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