The president of , he said in an interview with the ultraconservative American journalist who sees the businessman as a person and businessman “unstoppable” and advocated for a “international agreement” to regulate the (AI).

In the interview there was room for the topic of AI: first the Russian president opined that genetic research is a threat to humanity to the point where “now it is possible to create a superhuman”, and then commented that Musk “has already implanted a chip in the human brain in the US.”.

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I think that Elon Musk He is unstoppable, he will do what he considers necessary. However, they have to find common ground with him, find ways to persuade him. I think he is an intelligent person, truly. So you will need to reach an agreement with him, because this process needs to be formalized and subject to certain rules.“, held.

Elon Musk, CEO of X (formerly Twitter), gestures during an event in London on November 2, 2023, following the UK Artificial Intelligence (AI) Security Summit. (Photo by Kirsty Wigglesworth / POOL / AFP)


Putin said it can be done “an approximate prediction of what will happen” with the development of genetics and AI, recalling the case of nuclear weapons, which progressed until countries understood that their negligent use could lead to extinction and agreed to stop them.

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It is impossible to stop research in genetics, just as it was impossible to stop the use of gunpowder in the past, but the sooner we realize that the threat comes from the runaway and uncontrolled development of AI, or genetics or any other field, It will be time to reach an international agreement on how to regulate these things”he added.

Musk, who commented on his X account that he was watching the two-hour interview, has not responded to the allusions yet.


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