Oh Annie Oh! The London-based Korean producer packs four tracks with a bassline so strong it sucks the air out of the room and pulls on your heart like a suction cup. Block N Delete draws on elements of techno, dubstep and speed garage — basically, bass music — for a concept EP based around the artist’s “experiences with modern dating.” The four tracks chronicle the trials and tribulations of contemporary romance, the kind of romance that peaks in a moment memorialized by a track called “Bye Hoe.”
“Obsessed” leads off with breathy, wasted techno and a melody assembled by a liturgical choir of pinched moans. It’s the most versatile track on here and the bass is life-affirming, and possibly life-changing. The twitchy “In Luv” captures the manic feeling of obsessive love and mania in general — that sense of becoming intensely focused on absolutely everything around you to the point of being unable to focus on anything at all. “Bye Hoe” is the most dub-centric of the four tracks, with a title track cutting a booty-swinging swagger. This is not art that makes you think but art that makes you scream.
⚪️ Block N Delete Tracklisting
Oh Annie Oh: Block N Delete (Future Bounce / Digital)
1. Obsessed (03:44)
2. In Luv (03:44)
3. Bye Hoe (03:38)
4. Block N Delete (04:22)
Photo via Oh Annie Oh on Bandcamp.
⚪️ Disclosure Statement
This record was submitted as a promo.
5Mag Issue 215
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LOVE IS THE MESSAGE: This was originally published in 5 Mag Issue #216 featuring Andy Compton of the Rurals on 50 albums and 25 years of Peng, Ralph Session cover mix, Chicago’s Noble Square Records’ deep house love affair and more. Become a member for $2/month and get every issue in your inbox right away!
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