The president of , considered this Monday that the triumph of the libertarian in the presidential elections celebrated on Sunday, represent a “tremendous threat” for Latin America, due to the “colonial project” of the elected president.

We are not going to remain silent, because the arrival of a right-wing extremist, with a colonial project, absolutely colonial, kneeling to North American imperialism, is a tremendous threat.“said the Chavista leader, after reiterating his respect for the electoral result, during his weekly television program.

LOOK HERE: What are Milei’s proposals for Argentina to be a “world power” again in 35 years?

In his opinion, Milei represents the “neo-nazi right” of Argentinathat aims to lead a colonial project throughout Latin America and the Caribbean”.

Maduro assured that the president-elect “aims to put an end to the State, to social rights and aims to establish on the continent what was the liberal project that was imposed in the 70s″, when in the southern cone -he asserted- “They denied all social rights” From a “Repressive, paramilitary and parapolice state”.

We call for reflection on the emergence of right-wing centers that seek to impose themselves to recolonize Latin America and they try to impose extremist models. In Venezuela They have not passed nor will they pass, Venezuela will continue to be a free and Bolivarian land”, he stressed.

On Sunday night, shortly after the victory of Milei, the leader of the main opposition coalition in Venezuela, was announced, Maria Corina Machadocongratulated him on the result, which he described as a triumph in the fight for “change” and the “freedom” in Latin America.

MORE INFORMATION: Why Milei won the elections in Argentina with a historic lead of 11 points over Massa

The anti-Chavista, disqualified from holding public office until 2030 by ruling of the Comptroller Generalhopes that through political negotiation the sanction will be lifted to be able to compete in 2024, foreseeably against Maduro, in power since 2013.

Milei’s victory represents an ideological fracture in the relations between Caracas and Buenos Aireswho experienced tensions during the Presidency of Mauricio Macriwhich returned to normal during the current mandate of Alberto Fernandez.


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