Luis Arce, president of Bolivia, in a televised message this Sunday accused the former president and leader of the ruling party, (2006-2019), to try to shorten his mandate and orchestrate a road blockade on Monday that he said would become a “coup d’état” against him to “impose” his presidential candidacy “by fair means or foul.”

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I have the historic responsibility to denounce to the country and the world what may happen in the coming days in Bolivia due to your (Evo Morales) responsibility. A march will begin in the next few days, which will then lead to a national road blockade, which will end in an attempted coup against a popular government.it is something that you will have to give an account to our people sooner or later.” Arce said.

Arce was surrounded by his loyal sectors in the message recorded at the headquarters of the Executive and that was entirely directed at Morales.

The president said that, since 2020, Morales has been dedicated to preparing his candidacyworking to ensure that his government does poorly in order to appear as a “savior” of Bolivia in order to “stay in power for another 14 years or more.”

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The sectors loyal to Evo Morales announced for Tuesday a march that will start from the town of Caracollo, 190 kilometers southeast of La Paz, with the aim of protesting the economic situationthe lack of dollars and fuel, in addition to avoiding the “proscription” of the Movement for Socialism (MAS).

In addition, The Aymara ‘red ponchos’ indigenous people decided to set up a blockade on Monday on the roads that connect La Paz with the rest of the country to demand the resignation of Arce and Vice President David Choquehuanca, whom they accuse of “dividing” social organizations.

Enough Evo, until now I have tolerated your attacks, your lies and your slander in silence.but putting the lives of the people at risk is something I will tolerate.“Arce stressed.

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You are threatening the whole country with strikes and blockadesbecause you want to do what the State Constitution does not allow you to do: re-enable yourself as a candidate. It is not me who is disqualifying you, Evo, it is the Constitution.“, he added.

The head of state explained that his government responded to the list of requests submitted by the Morales sector.which is a multi-page document focusing on economic and political aspects.

Here I am, Evo, I won’t run away if you want to solve a problem you have with me. Because I didn’t agree to be your puppet. Come here, I’ll wait for you.“Arce told Morales.

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Morales and Arce have been estranged since the end of 2021 due to differences in the administration of the Statewhich were deepened by the need to renew the national leadership of the MAS, something on which the factions loyal to both have not been able to agree.

The social sectors that support both leaders called on several occasions for MAS congressesbut the electoral authority did not recognize these meetings until both ruling factions organized a single meeting by consensus.

Morales’ supporters repeatedly proclaimed him as the “sole candidate” for the 2025 electionswhile the block loyal to Arce insists on renewing the leadership of the MAS and questions the former president’s candidacy again.

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Morales’ candidacy is a cause of internal controversy within the ruling partysince the Government has insisted that the former president cannot run again, while his related sectors maintain that he can.
