Robert Muñoz, leader of Clavito y su Chela, expressed his annoyance that his ex-wife Pilar Astocuri is misusing his songs.
Robert Munozleader of Clavito and his Chelagave an exclusive interview for Radio New Q. The cumbia singer spoke about the problem he has with his ex-partner Pilar Astocuri for using his songs without his permission. In this sense, he clarified that he is the composer of all of his hits and left him a strong message.
“I don’t like it when someone wants to steal from you. It bothers me that she considers herself the creator of Clavito. When Pilar joined the group, three singers had already passed through the orchestra, she became the fourth singing member. She cannot be a creator because she came as a singer,” highlighted the leader of Clavito and his Chela after pointing out that when he premiered ‘Why will you be like that’ it was in 2013, when he didn’t even know his ex-partner.
The message from Clavito and his Chela to his ex-partner
“What hurts me the most is that he has even taken my slogans like “from my beloved Huancayo.” He is plagiarizing all of them as is. I have to enforce my rights as an author and if they want to sing it they should at least give you a call to ask for permission. When I sing covers, I ask for authorization or payment for the work of art that I am using,” he indicated. Robert Munoz in conversation with Radio New Q.
Video: Radio Nueva Q
Likewise, he pointed out that he would not have accepted that his ex-partner could sing his songs because he was already preparing Clavito’s return from Los Angeles where they were making recordings. “I wouldn’t have to reach any agreement with her because he is using my works and they respect her. “I can’t sing anyone’s song without authorization,” concluded the singer and leader of Clavito and his Chela.
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