Dancer committed gesture and bothered Kiara Lozano from Serrano Heart. Photo: Instagram/Tiktok capture

The incident that left Kiara Lozano confused and surprised went viral on social networks. What happened? We tell you.

Kiara Lozano It is one of the most beloved singers of Serrano heart. Therefore, fans of the Piura group always record or take pictures when she is on stage. However, a follower was able to capture the awkward moment that the interpreter of ‘Mix Dina’ spent due to an inappropriate gesture of the dancer who took her by surprise in full presentation.

The incident that is viral on social networks occurred on March 1 in Otavalo, Ecuador, during the tour of Serrano heart in Ecuadorian territory. After seeing the clip, many users expressed indignation and condemned the attitude of the dancer, considering it a sample of disrespect.

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Dancer committed gesture and bother Kiara Lozano

During the presentation in Ecuador, Kiara Lozano He was dancing the choreography of the song ‘The stupid’, played by Susana Alvarado, when the dancer performed an inappropriate action when he bent down and look at her, while she performed a few sensual steps.

Upon realizing Kiara Lozano She was surprised by the dancer’s gesture, so that she immediately turned to see her partner Milagros Díaz And he showed him by gestures he had happened.

(Source: @Makoto926)

The young singer of Serrano heart He was visibly confused, also directed a look at his followers in the public and shrugged his shoulders as a confusion and not understanding the reason for the dancer’s gesture. However, he then continued with the presentation to prevent his work on stage being affected.

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Fans explode against dancer for bothering Kiara Lozano

The incident that made an uncomfortable moment to Kiara Lozano He quickly went viral in social networks where fans exploded and expressed their indignation for the dancer’s inappropriate gesture.

“That lack of respect for that subject to do that in the middle of concert”, “He went from a clown, that is in no way a joke”, “zero professionalism of that dancer how can our kiarita bother in that way,” are some of the comments of the fans of the fans of Serrano heart.

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