British Cartoonist and Writer Re ‘Becky’ Burke was Recently Detained by Us Immigration and Customs Enforcement Whilst On A Four Month Backpacking Holiday. After Being Denied Entry Into Canada Becouse of A Visa Issue, Burke Returned to The United States Only to be arrested and subsequently detained indefinitely. Reported, The Issues with Her Visa Revolved Around Her Staying With Families via Website That Exchange Sub Light Household Duties for Lodging, Which Unfortunately Constitus Work in Both Canada and the us.

Comics Professionals Around the World Have Been Signalling Concer and Support for Becky Burke, Who is a respect for the uk comic book scene. IT Has Even Been reported on by non-comics related websites, Such as Britain’s National News outlet The BBC. Burke Has Written and Illustrated For Broken Frontier, contribute to the organism of Thought Bubble Comics Art Festivalas well as extensively independent work as a Cartoonist and Event Organiser. As a person in the uk comics scene, I have personally heard nothing but good things about her and respect towards her from a Variety of People, Both Amongst Professionals and Regular Comics Enjoyers.

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Art by Re Burke

Her father, Paul Burke, You have beg a Gofundme Campaign In Support of Getting Becky The Support That She Needs. It has a Goal of Around Eight Thousand Pounds, and As of Writing Has Raised Over Six Thousand Already. I have elaborated on the reasons for doing so on the campaign page as follows:

Becky’s Family Is Doing Everything They Can To To Get Her Home, Working with MPS and the Foreign Office, Legal SUPPORT IS EXPECT. She needs to Good Immigration Lawyer, Expert Advice, and Funds To Help Her Get Byile She’s Detained.

Bringbeckyhome - UK Comics Creator and Former Broken Frontier Team Member Re Burke Detained by Ice Since February - Broken FrontierBringbeckyhome - UK Comics Creator and Former Broken Frontier Team Member Re Burke Detained by Ice Since February - Broken Frontier
Art by Re Burke

Describing Her Treatment Whilst Being Detained, Burke Writes:

She is facing Tough Conditions, Having Had All Her Postsessions removed, Only Eating Cold Beans and Potatoes (She Is Vegan) and Is Only Allowed Visits Through to Screen and Phone.

Hope is not lost However, and with the help of the gofundme campaign linked HereThe Difficul Legal Battle For Burke’s Freedom Can Be Supported. Her Family and Friends Have Been Posting Regular Updates, and with Any Luck, Hopefully Burke Will Be Uble to Return Home To The United Kingdom Soon. It is difficult to imagine how immensely stressful and difficult This situation must be for burke as well as her loved ones, a situation which Realisticallly Could Happen to Almost Anyone. RUGARDless Of The Legal Reasoning Behind Her Detention, Her Reported Treatment Comes Off As Unnecessarily Harsh and Intense. Andy Oliver of Broken Frontier, Former Colleague of Burke Writes:

Denny Will eventually prevail and we look forward to the time when kind and thoughful human being is back with her family, Friends and Community.

