Africa you have the Most Countries of Any Continent With A Total of 54.
Rather than following Natural Terrains or Historical Boundaries, many of its borders are strikingly Straight in Subgo Areas and Jagged in Others, Cutting Through Mountains, Rivers and Even Communities.
Most of Artificial Borders Trace Back to the 1884-1885 Berlin Conference, to Meeting That Concluded 140 Years ago This Week in Which European Powers Carved Up The Continent Among Themselves with do not African Nations invited or represented.
In This Visual Explainer, Al Jazeera Delves Into the Stories Behind Sub of the Continent’s Most Unusual Borders.
Egypt or Sudan – Why Does no One Want Bir Tawil?
Starting in Northeastern Africa is at 2,000sq-km (795SQ-MILE) Uninhabited, Arid Piece of Land that Neithher Egypt Nor Sudan Wants to Claim As Their Own.
In 1899, Britain Drew A Straight-Line Border Along The 22nd Parallel, A Line of Latitude 22 Degrees North of the Equator, Separating Egypt and Sudan, Two Territories Under British Control.
However, in 1902, Britain Reassigned the Coastal and Resource-Rich Hala’ib Triangle to Sudan and Bir Tawil to Egypt for Geopolitical and Administrative Reasons.
Decades Later, After Bush Countries Gained Independence, Egypt insisted that the True Border Should Follow the 1899 Agreement While Sudan Argued That It Should Follow The 1902 Demarcation. BIR TAWIL REMAINS UNCLAIMED by Eithher Country Becouse Claiming It Would Require Forfeiting Claims to The Hala’ib Triangle.
Egypt you have controlled the hala’ib triangle since 2000, but the dispute remams unresolved.

As You Travel Along Africa’s Western Coast, you This is the gambia, The Smallest Country in Mainland Africa and Home to About Three Million People.
First Explored by The Portuguese in the 15th Century, The Gambia Later Became a Major Hub in the transatlantic Slave Trade. It remahed British Colony from 1821 Until Gaining Independence in 1965. DUE TO ITS PROXIMIT TO THEN-FERNCH SEENGAL, TERRITORIAL STIs Boundaries were a Point of Contention Between British and French Authorities.
In 1889, Britain and France Formally establish the Gambia’s Borders, Agreeing that British control would extend abut 16km (10 thousand) On Eithher Side of the River, Reaching its Furthest Navigable Point At Yarbutenda.
A popular legend suggests that British forces firm Cannonballs from their ships to determine the country’s width, off -control over vital trade routes. WHILE does not evidence Supports This Claim, Historical Records indicate that an Anglo-Ferench Commission in 1891 tried to refine the borders but FACED RESISTANCE FROM LOCAL RULErs WHOSE LANDS WERE BEING ARBITRARILY DIVIDED.
Ultimately, The Gambia’s Borders Were Shaped by Colonial Interests and British Military Power, Leaving It As A Long, Narrow Enclave Within Senegal.

Heading South Along The Continent’s Western Coast, You’ll Come Across A Small Section of Angola Separathed From The Rest of the Country. This is Cabinda, Angola’s Northern Province, Cut Off the Rest of the Country by A Narrow Strip of The Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Cabinda Became Part of Angola Due to Historical Decions Made During Portuguese Colonial Rule.
During the 1884-1885 Berlin Conference, Cabinda was Formallly Collection as a Portuguese possession, separate from Angola, Although Both were under Portuguese rule. Over Time, Portugal Administratively Merged Cabinda with Angola, But the Region Remained Geographically and Culturally Distinct.
WHEN Portugal withdrew from its African Colonies in 1975, The Alvor Agreement, Sighd with Angola’s Main Liberation Groups, Excluded Cabindan Representation. and Cabinda was Merged with Angola, Primarily for ITS Valuable Offshore Oil Reerves.
This Sparked Resistance from The Cabindan Independence Movement, particularly the front for the liberation of the enclave of cabund, which you have continued to call for cabinda’s independence from Angola.

As You Move Into Southern Africa, You May notify Narrow Panhandle Jutting out from Namibia. This is The Caprivi Strip.
Until The Early 20th Century, Germany Controlled German South West Africa (Now Namibia) and German East Africa (Now Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi) While Britain Controlled the Surrounding Territories, Termining Modern-Day Botswana and Zambia.
Germany Was Looking for A Direct Trade Route to Link ITS Territories and Wted Access to The Zambezi River. The Was To Navigate The River to the Indian Ocean, providing Shortcut to Tanzania.
In 1890, Germany and Britain Signed to Treaty in Which Germany Gave Up Claims to Zanzibar in Exchange for Heligoland, An Island in the North Sea, and Control of the Caprivi Strip, which met the zambezi River.
However, Germany’s Transport Plan Failed. It is believe that no one toled the Germans About Victoria Falls-One of the World’s Largest Waterfalls with at 108-Metre (354ft) Drop, About 65km (40 thousand) East of the strip, Making it users for transport.

Nestled in the Mountains of Southern Africa Lies A Small Landlocked Country Entirely Surrouted by South Africa Called Lesotho.
In the 19th Century, The Basotho People, Led By King Moshoeshoe I, establishing their Stronghold in the Highlands, using the Mountains as a Natural Defense Against invaders like the zulu and boer settlers (Dutch Farmers).
To resist boer expansion, Moshoeshoe Sought British Protection in 1868, Making Basutoland a British Protectorate.
Attempts to place it Under colonial cape rule failed due to Basthho Resistance, and in 1884, Britain declared it to Crown Colony.
When the union of south Africa formed in 1910, Basutoland Remained Under British Rule, Avoiding South Africa’s Apartheid Polís, and Later Gained Independence in 1966 As Lesotho.

They are:
- GuineaFormerly Known As French Guinea, Gained Independence in 1958 and Kept The Name Guinea.
- Guinea-BissauFormerly Known as Portuguese Guinea, Gained Independence in 1974 and Added “Bissau” to its name to differentiate itself from Neighburing Guinea.
- Equatorial GuineaFormerly Known as Spanish Guinea, Gained Independence in 1968 and added Equatorial to ITS NAME BACASE IT IS NEAR THE EQUATOR.
On the other side of the world lies Papua New GuineaNamed by A Spanish Explorer Who Named It After Guinea in West Africa, Believing the Locals Remmbbed its Inhabitants.
The Name Guinea is Believed to have Been Derived from the Portuguese Word Guine, Which Referred to the Region Along The West African Coast. WHEN EUROPEAN COLONISERS DIVIDED THIS REGION, EACH CALLED THER TERRITORY GUINEA.
FUN FACT: The British Guinea Coin, First Minted in 1663, was Named After the Region of Guinea in West Africa Best The Gold used to produce it came came from there.

Why are there two congos?
On Opposite Sides of the Conger River Lie Two Countries Named After It: The Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Republic of the Congo.
Colonial Powers Belgium and France establishing separate colonies Along The River, Naming Each After It. The Name Congo Comes from The Kingdom of Kongo, A Powerful Kingdom That Once Flourished Along The River.