In a March 17but of 2000, 25 years ago, more than 500 followers of the religious sect “Restoration of the ten commandments of God” are locked up and burn alive in a Kanunga church, Uganda.
Other ephemeris
1776.- The English troops leave the city of Bostonwhich gives way to the Declaration of Independence of the United Statesproclaimed on July 4 of the same year.
1842.- Nicaragua, El Salvador and Honduras They sign a convention that agrees the formation of a provisional national government.
1889.- arrives in the Argentine town of Catamarca The first train, from Buenos Airesafter making a 1,200 kilometers route.
1903.- Foundation in Buenos Aires of the football team Racing Clubone of the most popular of Argentina.
1917.- The mythical Spanish magazine is born TBOname (comic) by which it is popularly known in Spain to the comics and that has served as an argument to establish the Comic day.
1934.- The artistic activity begins Argentine Concert Society.
1948.- Signature of Brussels treaty between Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, France and Great Britainprecursor of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).
1959.- He Dalai Lama (maximum political and religious authority for Tibetan Buddhists) Tenzin Gyatso He leaves his country disguised as a soldier. Two weeks later he reached the territory of the India.
1966.- Chang Kai-Chek is re -elected for the fourth and last time president of Taiwan.
1969.- GOLDA MEIR becomes the first woman to reach the position of prime minister in Israel.
1978.- Bolivia Break diplomatic relations with Chili.
1992.- South Africa decides in referendum put an end to “ApartheidAnd support the negotiations aimed at a Multirracial Democratic Society.
.- Presidents of Guatemala, Jorge Serranoand El Salvador, Alfredo Cristianisign a Free Trade Agreement and Economic Integration.
1998.- The movement of Landless It occupies several headquarters from Brazilian institutions in protest of the lack of credits and resources to face the agrarian reform.
2008.- The Cuban government of Raúl Castro lifts Farmers the prohibition of marketing your products.
2014.- The Russian President, Vladimir Putinsigns a decree for which Russia Recognize Ukrainian autonomy of Crimea as a sovereign and independent state.
More information: Ukraine is losing Kursk: How did Russia help the bold military operation using a gas pipeline and the Trump factor?
2020.- China says having successfully developed a vaccine against him Coronavirus.
2023.- The International Criminal Court issues arrest for the Russian president, Vladimir Putinby illegal deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia.
2024.- The Russian President, Vladimir Putinwin the Presidential elections.
1834.- Teófilo DaimlerGerman engineer, first explosion engine builder for cars.
1914.- Juan Carlos OngainaArgentine political and military.
1919.- Nathaniel Adams Collesknown as “Nat King Cole”, American singer.
1935.- Luis GoytisoloSpanish writer.
1938.- Rudolf NureyevSoviet dancer and choreographer.
[1945.- Elis ReginaBrazilian singer.
1964.- Rob LoweAmerican actor.
1969.- Alexander McQueenBritish fashion designer.
1584.- Ivan “The Terrible”Russian tsar.
1976.- Luchino ViscontiItalian film director.
1993.- Helen HayesAmerican actress.
2002.- Louise RinserGerman writer.
2010.- Alex ChiltonAmerican musician.
2017.- Derek WalcottAntillean writer.
2019.- Richard Anthony Mensourknown as Dick DaleAmerican guitarist, member of The Ventures Group, pioneer of the “Surf-Rock” sound.
2020.- Betty WilliamsBritish pacifist awarded in 1976 with the Nobel Peace Prize.
2023.- Jorge EdwardsSpanish-Chilean writer, Cervantes Award 1999 (91 years).