In a January 31but 1980, 37 people die in the assault and fire of the Spanish embassy in Guatemala by the country’s security forces, including two Spaniards. The embassy had been occupied by peasants and Guatemalan students who denounced military repression.
Other ephemeris
1606.- executed in London Guy Fawkesaccused of conspiring against the King Jaime i In the known as’Gunpowder plot‘(Gunpowder Plot).
1676.- The University of San Carlos de Guatemala.
1841.- The Republic of El Salvadorby dissolving the Federation of the United Provinces of Central America.
1901.- It opens in Moscow the work ‘Three sisters‘, of Antón Chekhov.
1917.- German scientists Otto Hahn and Lise Meitner They discover the protactiniumradioactive element.
1918.- World War I: German air attack to Paris.
1936.- The American writer William Faulknerwrite the last page of the manuscript of your novel ‘ABSALOM, ABSALOM!‘.
1944.- Americans land in the Marshall Islandsin it Peaceful.
1949.- Uncentless revolution in Paraguay: The President Natalio González is replaced by the general Raimundo Rolón.
1950.- The president of the USA, Harry S. Trumanorders production in your country of hydrogen bomb.
1951.- Getulio Vargas He is invested president of Brazilfive years after being deposed.
1956.- JUSCELINO KUBitschek He is elected president of the Republic of Brazil.
1958.- Release to the space of the first American satellite ‘Explorer-1′, The scientists’ response of USA to the orbit of the Sputnik 1 and 2 by the Soviet Union.
1962.- Cuba is expelled from the Organization of American States (OAS).
1971.- USA launches the space ‘Apollo XIV‘, a manned space mission that was the third that alunicized.
1976.- Theft of 118 paintings of the last era of Picasso in it Aviñón Pope Palacewhich were recovered in October of that year by the police.
1977.- Inauguration in Paris of the National Center for Art and Culture Georges Pompidoupopularly known as Pompidou Center.
1980.- The Queen Juliana from Holland announces his abdication in favor of his daughter Beatrizwhich became effective on April 30, when Beatriz was crowned.
1986.- The Vicaria de la Solidaridad of Chili, Prince of Asturias de la Liberty Award.
1990.- The American fast food chain McDonalds Open in the city center of Moscow Your first establishment in Russia.
1992.- The Russian President, Boris Yeltsintake possession of the disappeared seat USSR in it UN Security Council.
.- He Salvadoran army announces the end of their military campaigns against the guerrilla.
1994.- Inauguration of the Managua Stock Exchange.
2005.- The European Union approves the ‘temporary suspension’ of all the diplomatic sanctions in force against Cuba Since June 2003.
2006.- The Single Caribbean Market.
2007.- The NATIONAL ASSEMBLY OF VENEZUELA Approves special legislative powers for the president Chávez.
2013.- A gas explosion at the headquarters of Petróleos Mexicanos in Mexico City Cause 3 dead.
2016.- The government of Israel approves a historic initiative for men and women to pray together in the Regret wall in Jerusalem.
More information: An anti -Vacunas at the head of health in the US? The problematic approval of the controversial Robert Kennedy Jr.
2020.- United Kingdom definitely abandon the European Union (At 11 at night local time), after 47 years of permanence in the European club.
2021.- The mission of the World Health Organization that investigates in China The origin of the coronavirus visit the market of Wuhan in which the first infections were detected.
2022– Television chains Televisa and Univision They complete their merger process and become a giant in the media sector in Spanish with a potential audience of 100 million Spanish speakers.
1797.- Franz Peter SchubertAustrian composer.
1872.- Zane GrayAmerican writer of western novels.
1881.- Ana PaulovaRussian dancer.
1921.- Alfredo Cocozza Lanza‘Mario Lanza‘, American singer and actor.
1923.- Norman MailerAmerican writer and journalist.
1929.- Jean SimmonsBritish actress.
1935.- Kenzaburo OEJapanese writer and Nobel Prize for Literature 1994.
1938.- Beatriz de Orange-NassauQueen of the Netherlands.
1956.- John Lydon‘Johnny Rotten‘, vocalist of the British band Sex Pistols.
1970.- Amelia Driver (Minnie Driver), British actress.
1981.- Justin TimberlakeAmerican actor and singer.
1944.- Jean GiraudouxFrench playwright.
1987.- Yves AllegretFrench film director.
2008.- Volodo Volosky VolodiaChilean writer and politician.
2010.- Tomás Eloy MartínezArgentine writer and journalist.
2012.- Juan Carlos GenéArgentine actor and playwright.
2015.- Richard von Weizsäckerfirst president of Germany.
2016.- Francisco FloresSalvadoran politician.
2017.- Rob StewartCanadian filmmaker.
2018.- Haím Guripoet, novelist, journalist and Israeli filmmaker.
.- Rasual ButlerAmerican singer and former player of the NBA.
2020.- Mary Higgins ClarkAmerican writer.
2024.- Mario LeviTurkish writer.