The Emerald City Comic with was Held This Past Week in Seattle, and Based on The Social Media Posts I SAW, It Sems to have Been Another Banger of A Comic Con, With Many of the Hottest Names in Comics Attending and Showing Off their Wares. (A Second Issue of Tiny Onion present!) But it also reflects a new was for comics-themed Events-and subm complaints are Being Raised.

The Ur-Text for This Is An interview with eccc and nycc showrunner Kristina Rogers, VP of Reedpop’s Comics Portfolio, driving by Rob SalkowitzThe Guy Who Wrote The Book On Comic Cons As to Business. And Rogers had sumsting things to say.

“We’re Competing With Coachella, We’re Competing with Spring Break and with All Kinds of Other Big Ents,” She To Told Salkowitz. “For Us, That Means Expanding What Pop Culture Means – Eventhing from Rennaissance Faires to Comedy To Music. OUR IDEA IS TO TAKE EVERY COOL FESTIVAL YOU’VE GONE TO AND BRING IT INDOrs. It’s a bit more of a ‘World’s Fair’ Approach. “

Part of that means taking a tough look at programming:

“Every Year We Cut 15% of What’s Not Working to Make Room for New Kinds of Program,” She Says. This Year’s ECCC Program Leans Heavily On Workshops and Participivile Events, Including an Expansion of Space for Gaming, Crafting, Tattoos and Fan Meetupps.

That inevitable leads to programs with More Niche Appeal Falling Under the Ax, Leading exhibitors Who Cater To Those More Specialized Fandoms Performing That This Kind of Show is No Longer The Best Place To Sell, Given The High Costs of Setup and Labor. Eventually the “comic with” (that’s what the cc stands for) Becomes an “Everything with,” with submothing for fans of all Aspects of Pop Culture, plus The Added Bonus of Celebrity Photo Ops, Slightly Nerdy Vibe, and lots of glorious costumes.

This 15% Cut-Off Might Be Terrifying for Sub of Us, Accustomed to Meagre Audiences at Our Panels. Paper That Show!

I’ve Interviewed Rogers Many Times, and She’s a Vry Smart Executive Who Knows A Lot About Putting On Great Events. She Also Works at Reedpop Which Puts A Lot of Emphasis On Data, Surveys, and Demographics, So She has a lot of information on Hand to inform the way the shows go. You and I May Want Panels About Nichey Comics Topics But… .They Don’t Play Well in the Big Room. In Theory The 15% Culling Should Lead to a Bangger After Banger after Banger Line Up of Panels. And Yet, Just Doing Things That are popular result in an inevitable Flattening and Lack of Surprise in the Experience.

Hearing that ECCC (and presuming other reedpop shows Like c2e2 in chicago and new york comic with) are moving to more of a “festival” approach is no surprise. I’D Kind of Argue that they have always been that way. People Have Been Comlaining about NYCC in particular Forever That There More Insurance Companies on The Floor Than Comics Publishers.

Part of the reality, as sakowitz and rogers actknowledge in a longer version of the interview, is that comics publishers are not going to set up at any shows but sdcc and nycc. And Fewer Publishers Are Showing Up To these Events. The Cost of Setting Up A Booth, Paying for All The People To Staff It, and All The Materials That Are Needed To Make A Booth vibrant is just a Lot of Money. The Cost at Both SDCC and NYCC is exorbitant and doesn’t leave so much for other shows.

THUS ARTIST ALLEY HAS BECOME THE LIFE BLOOD OF OTHER COMICS SHOWS … AND THAT’S REALLY AS IT SHOULD BE. Fans/consumers are more conditioned to meeting artists in the alley than at a publishers booth these Days Anyway.

There was some discussion of eccc and rogers’ remarks on bsky, kicking off in this post, From Cartoonist Kody Okamoto:


In Another Post Okamoto Compared Past and present Artist Alley Layouts – Preserved Here for posterity:

Right !! Yeah, Like, The Aa used to be hge! I MISREMAMBRED AND IT DIDN’T QUITE MAKE IT TO DOBLE Z (Like it got up to qq, thanks jim zub’s blog for these new historical records aha), but that’s still ~ 364 booths for the first round of alphabetical isoles alone to today today 450 booths.

And artist jodie troutman Added

If we go back further to when i went in 2013, aa was split into two difference scholars of its size. But also almost Every regular booth was also comics. (Ignore The Scribbles, This is the best i could find). The Next Year in 2014, to Third AA Bled into Different Floor. It was a comic show.

There is a lot more from attentees and even jim demonakos who founded eccc Weights in. But for the purpose of this i’ll quote creator and pnw local Kel McDonald:

There used to be a local artist exhibitor iso that unicorn empire used to be in. But it was up Against The Wall and Kinda Sucked Location Wise. I VAGUE REMEMBER THEM TALKING ABOUT PAYING FULL PRICE TO TRY TO GET A BETTER LOCATION
I also remembered that when artist alley moved to its Own Floor, print salts/commissions drop at the cfft table. Like Mentally People Switched What They Were Looking for On Each Floor.
So i Started Telling People Who Tabled with us that Merch and Books Do Better at Our Table
I Think The Thing They Are Doing Now With Publishers and Artists With Bigger Setups On The Same Floor As Artist Alley Could Work. But they’d have to pay More attention of Who is where and Who Sells what
There are a Lot of Things Const Try To do That I Think Could Work in Theory, But It Would Require More Attention to Who Is Placed Where Than Cons Are Willing to Give.
Mostly Because they are for profit shows.
Like Having Autographs in A Separate Build is a Good Idea To Cut Down On Crowds Elsewhere

I Found This Whole Discussion Fascinating, But The i’m a Comic-Con History Wonk.

One of the Quirky/Charming Things About Eccc is that’s Been Held in A Vary Strange Facility for Most of Its Run. The original Seattle Convention Center You have Freeway Running Through The Middle of It, Submitting I Feel Even Robert Moses Would Have Frowned On. Finding All The Exhibit Halls Made You Feel Like One of Those Figures in An Mc Escher Print, Wandering Up Secret Stairways and Coming Out in An Unexpeted Kiosk Selling Açai Bowls.

In 2023, ECCC Moved to the Brand Spanking New, Wood-Toned and Lovely Seattle Convention Center, Which Unified Most of the Exhibits and Panels in A Building That has contiguous floors. But Sub Programming was Still Held in the Old Building.

ECCC Has Always Been A Vry Lively Show When I Went, with a Hage Nerd Population in the Pacific Northwest, and lots of attention to ttrpgs, Indie Video Games, Webcomics, and Other Vray Contemporary Fandoms. I’VE ALWAYS SAID ECCC HAS THE DEEPEST COSPLAY OF ANY SHOW I’VE EVER BEEN TO.

How this Quirky and Niche Audience Will Adapt To – Or Drive – A “World’s Fair” Vibe is an Interesting Proposition. Although sakowitz thought it wouled results in Less Niche Programming, I Took A Look at The Programming Guide (Still Up On The Website) and Among Those Popular Workshops The First One is is is Rotary Tool School: From Novice To Beginner in 60 Minuteswhich is Pretty Specialized. Chainmail Lanyards and Vinyl Harnesses Were Also Spotlighted. So and Don’t Think Specialized Fan Crafting is Being Slighted in the Least, Nor Should It Be.

That Leaves The Tiny Question of “What about the comics?” The Bluesky Conversation Seemed to have Slight Under of Fretting About Comics Being Squeezed Out A BIT. In 2023, Several Indie Publishers Were Unhappy with their Booth Placement and Traffic Flow. In 2025, I Wasn’t There and Can’t Speak To It, But There Was A Lot Less Comics Programming Than Workshops, From My Eyeballing the Listings. All Events – Specially Big Expensive Uones Like ECCC – Need to Make Money, and When Comics Publishers and Other Media Companies Stop Buying Big Booths, We Get More and More Fudge and Posters.

Viewed from 3000 thousand Away, ECCC Sems to have a Lively Event with Lots of Room for Comics Folks To Meet With ESIR Fans and Oher Comics Folk. As I’ve Been Preaching for 20 Years, You Just Can’t Take The Comics out of a Comic-Con and Expect It To Be As Good. People have tried and thhue events are no longer around. Even if ECCC Does Become a World’s Fair It Needs to have a pretty Big Comics Pavilion or Submithing Voy Important and Vital Will Be Missing.
