The former American president (2017-2021) won this Thursday in the Republican ‘caucuses’ of the of and continues unstoppable towards his party’s nomination for the November elections, according to The New York Times and NBC News.

According to this information, Trump obtained 73% of the votes and the former US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley he won 26%. It remains to be seen if the Republican executive at the national level finally decides whether in these ‘caucus‘ Nine or four delegates are distributed.

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The news has just come that we have overwhelmingly won the caucuses of the Virgin Islands, ALL Delegates (…) I just called to thank the participants. They are celebrating and having a great time, they deserve it! It has been a great day for your favorite President, Republican Party and democracy“, expressed the former president in Truth Social.

Neither Trump nor Haley campaigned in the Virgin Islands, focusing on the state of Snowfallwhere the former governor of South Carolina He ran in the primaries and ended up failing because voters chose not to support any of the candidates in the running.

For decades, Nevada held caucuses. However, as these appointments usually caused some chaos, state legislators approved a law in 2021 that abandoned that voting model, also used in Iowaand established that state authorities had to organize primaries when there was more than one candidate.

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However, that 2021 law had a legal loophole: although it established that there must be primaries, it did not specify how the Republican Party would assign the winner to the 26 delegates from Nevada, who are the ones who during the party conventions officially proclaim the candidate, both Democratic and Republican for the presidential elections.

Taking advantage of this legal loophole, Trump pressured the Nevada Republican Party to ignore the state law and continue with its tradition of distributing delegates in the caucuses, which he will also attend this Thursday.

Trump’s victory in the US Virgin Islands caucuses is added to that of the Iowa caucuses, the New Hampshire and the presumed victory in Nevada.


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