Ryan Castro and Kevin Roldán are two Colombian artists who have collaborated on several musical projects. Ryan Castro, whose real name is Bryan Castro Sosa, is a singer and songwriter born in Medellín. He gained recognition with songs such as “Jordan”, “Porte”, “Tu name”, “Lejanía” and “1994”. He began his career singing on buses and then traveled to Curacao, where his songs went viral and caught the attention of Kevin Roldán’s record company.

Kevin Roldán is a renowned artist of the urban genre and owner of the King Records label. Ryan Castro signed with this label and together they have released hits like “Medellín” and “Noche en Medallo.” However, as their success grew, tensions between the artists also grew, since Ryan Castro decided to sue Kevin Roldán’s record label for breach of contract.

There were three occasions in which Ryan Castro, known as “The Ghetto Singer”, sued the record label, and now, with the Court’s ruling, it gives him 100% of the property rights over all his phonograms and audiovisuals. (masters).

In addition, the Arbitration Court ruled in favor of Castro, ordering King Records to pay more than 2 million dollars to the artist, which is equivalent to more than 7 billion pesos.

The story dates back to 2020, when Castro first signed several contracts to provide services as a performer, artistic representation and editorial with King Récords de Roldán. But the following year, problems began: the record label had not sent the financial statements of the contract to the Antioquian. In this same year, they created a new record company called Awoo King Records, in which Ryan Castro would have a 50% stake and the majority of his income.

However, Roldán allegedly continued to control the company’s finances without fulfilling his obligations, prompting Castro to pursue legal action.

According to the Paisa artist’s law firm, Kings Records must notify the aggregators, virtual reproduction channels, record labels and publishers in charge of collecting royalties of this change in the ownership of Ryan Castro’s music, which grants him artistic freedom, according to the firm, about corporate abuses and excesses.
