Speaking personally here, Deanna has been an amazing teammate through thick and thin, with a wide knowledge of pop culture and the comics industry to guide her insights. She’ll bring all her experience to the position as the Beat celebrates its 20th year… and beyond.
ROK has also been a stellar collaborator at The Beat and we welcome her continued coverage of queer issues, Star Trek and so much more. Humberto has just joined us but he’s already taken the reigns of our growing manga team and we have more and bigger things planned. I couldn’t be prouder to call them all colleagues.
They join our already top-notch team, including Reviews Editor Zack QuaintanceFeatures Editor Avery KaplanAnimation Editor Taimur DarVideo Games Editor Christian Angeles and Contributing Editor Deb Aoki.
Based in New Jersey, Deanna Destito’s articles and short stories have been featured in print and online publications in various industries and genres. She has also served as writer and editor for comic books, magazines, websites, and role-playing game books. As a fiction and comic writer, she is known for her work in anthologies such as The Dark Reaches, Spiders & Stardustand Elegy. Her collection of short stories, Tales to Read at Night, is available on Amazon. She also recently published the first book in a detective series, From the Ashes, (also available on Amazon). In addition to writing and editing, Deanna is a certified preschool and dance/acrobatics teacher as well as a mom of two.