Originally conceived during a 2017 studio session, deadmau5‘s “Jupiter” has emerged as a fully realized opus, embodying the distinct combination of precision and whimsy that have come to define his creative ethos.

The new track opens with arpeggios that dance like meteoric showers, cascading across a cosmic soundscape while a haunting bassline pulses with a gravitational force of its own. As “Jupiter” unfolds, luminous leads pierce through like solar flares, illuminating the intricate layers of deadmau5’s meditative production.

Fans of the influential producer first glimpsed his early foundations during one of his signature livestreams back in 2017.

Unveiled on deadmau5’s own mau5trap imprint as his first release of 2025, “Jupiter” serves as an introduction to a year already teeming with numerous high-profile live appearances.

That includes his highly anticipated return to X Games Aspen and a performance at Miami’s iconic Ultra Music Festival, where fans will also witness his stunning “retro5pective” live show. The production celebrates 25 years of deadmau5’s unparalleled influence in electronic music.

You can listen to “Jupiter” below and find the new track on streaming services here.

Follow deadmau5:

X: x.com/deadmau5
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Facebook: facebook.com/deadmau5
Spotify: spoti.fi/3otTHVp
