A day like today, 159 years ago, the naval heroes of Chile and Peru, Arturo Prat and Miguel Grau, joined their efforts in the Naval Combat of Abtao to preserve the sovereignty of our countries and protect their rights in the Pacific. It is in commemoration of this significant date, on February 7, 1866, which was established on Chilean-Peruana Friendship Day, an occasion that invites us to reflect on the ties of solidarity, collaboration and friendship that have joined our peoples from the dawn of its independence.
Throughout history, outstanding Chileans have strengthened links with Peruvian figures, strengthening a relationship marked by mutual respect and cultural enrichment. Pablo Neruda, author of “Machu Picchu heights”, forged a solid friendship with the renowned Peruvian poet César Vallejo, who even dedicated an ode in 1954. Gabriela Mistral, on the other hand, established a deep relationship of friendship with the writer with the writer Cyrus joy in the late 1940s.
At present, the bilateral relationship between Chile and Peru is characterized by a robust, diverse and dynamic work agenda that has been fundamental to build mutual trust foundations in the bilateral, regional and multilateral fields. The convergence of mutual interests and the integration of communities of Peruvians and Chileans who live daily in an environment of respect and friendship are evidence of this collaborative dynamic. This context has allowed the successful realization of different high -level meetings, being the most recent that held by the heads of state of Chile and Peru, in November last year, within the framework of APEC.
A tangible example of the depth of these links is observed in the daily relationship between the neighboring communities of Tacna and Arica. Trade, tourism, cultural exchanges and academic activities have generated a rich and exemplary subnational dynamic. This constant contact not only strengthens the social fabric, but also encourages a feeling of friendship and cooperation that transcends borders, demonstrating how local relations are also key to the good neighborhood between nations.
Remembering Abtao’s naval combat is a special transcendence, as it inspires us to reflect on the solidarity and collaboration that our peoples have joined. This historical inheritance promotes us today to face together new challenges related to security, climate change, the fight against transnational organized crime, sustainable economic development and the reduction of inequality.
In complex times, building and strengthening bonds of good neighborhood becomes an imperative. The relationship between Chile and Peru is testimony of how, despite the differences of the past, both nations have managed to consolidate a link based on mutual respect and effective cooperation, with a view of the future for the benefit of its citizenships.
The commemoration of Chilean-Peruvian Friendship Day reminds us of the remarkable capacity of our peoples to overcome adversities and tend bridges that allow us to move forward together towards a future of progress, well-being and understanding, reaffirming that friendship between our nations is a valuable asset for common and regional development.

(Photo: Foreign Ministry of Chile)