The king of , plans to continue carrying out his state duties, although he will cancel public commitments for the moment while he undergoes cancer treatment.

Among his tasks as head of state of the United Kingdom Included are his weekly meetings with the Prime Minister, Rishi Sunakas well as attend to correspondence and other office functions.

LOOK HERE: Carlos III faces cancer after a year of reign and seven decades of waiting to assume the crown

Likewise, the British monarch will continue to be available for commitments that he can carry out in private and that will be evaluated, according to information from the Palace.

While the procedures to treat the cancer you suffer from continue Charles IIIof which no details have been given other than to clarify that it is not prostate, the entire British royal family will take on additional tasks, in order to cover the king’s public absences.

In the first line will be the queen camillawho accompanied him when he left the hospital where he was treated for an enlarged prostate and with whom he was seen attending mass last Sunday in the church of Saint Mary Magdalene near the royal residence in Sandringhamto the east of England.

MORE INFORMATION: One year after the death of Isabel II, Charles III remembers his mother “with great affection”

Charles III returned from Sandringham to London today to begin his outpatient treatment, after the cancer was discovered during examinations due to his prostate condition.

Regarding the treatment, the king was “very positive” and intends “return to full public activity as soon as possible”.


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