The Prosecutor’s Office Ecuador reported this Friday of the arrest of Fabricio Colon Pico after the State Attorney General, Diana Salazarwill denounce an alleged plan by the man to attack her.
“Fabricio Colón P. was arrested this morning in an operation carried out by the Prosecutor’s Office and the Police of Ecuador in the north of Quito, within the framework of an investigation for the alleged crime of kidnapping. In the next few hours your legal situation will be resolved“, indicated the Prosecutor’s Office on its X account (formerly Twitter).
LOOK HERE: Ecuador: Lawyer says that police commander knew of criminal threat against Fernando Villavicencio
Freddy Sarzozageneral director of investigations of the Police, indicated that Colón Pico was detained in the framework of investigations into a “alleged simple kidnapping” in past months.
The Attorney General of Ecuador, Diana Salazar, enters the indictment hearing against those investigated for alleged organized crime in the “Metástasis” case in Quito on December 14, 2023. (Photo by Cristina Vega RHOR / AFP)
During the operation they found three vehicles “high-end (one armored), wads of money and 2-23 caliber ammunition″, he said on Teleamazonas television, adding that later it will be established “the issue of links or relationships with the threats that have been issued” against Salazar.
For her part, the Government Minister, Monica Palenciacongratulated the Police for the arrest.
“Congratulations to the Police and support group, for the successful intelligence and follow-up work that resulted in the successful capture of the person who was identified as a potential threat to the life of the Prosecutor. Order fulfilled Daniel Noboa“, wrote the official in her X account.
Last Wednesday, Salazar said that “organized crime groups are planning an attack” against his integrity.
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Salazar identified Fabricio Colón Pico, known by the alias ‘Captain Peak‘ and linked to a criminal gang called ‘The Wolves‘, as someone who would be behind an alleged plan to murder her.
According to the prosecutor, those who are supposedly trying to end his life would be the same people who, last August, planned the assassination of the then presidential candidate. Fernando Villavicencioshot dead while leaving a proselytizing rally in Quito.
“They want to silence me, like they did with Fernando Villavicencio, and now they want to do it with the prosecutor“He said after insisting that Colón Pico would be behind this supposed plan.
“I say it with first and last name. Now, come and kill me“, the State Attorney General challenged on Wednesday during a hearing of the so-called ‘Metastasis’ casewhich investigates an alleged corruption plot in the judicial, prison and police systems due to alleged infiltration and bribery from drug trafficking.
Immediate action
The president of Ecuador, Daniel Noboa, reported on Thursday that he ordered the transfer of three leaders of ‘Los Lobos’ to one of the country’s maximum security prisons after Salazar denounced the alleged plan.
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And he asserted that he has reinforced Salazar’s security ring, as well as his family: his brother, his mother, his daughter.
Noboa specified that the National Comprehensive Care Service for Adults Deprived of Liberty and Adolescent Offenders (SNAI) had to abide by its provision “because it is a threat to an important public official”.
According to the SNAI, Colón Pico was “in a semi-open regime granted by judicial order and compliance with appearing every 15 days before the authority (…), with its last presentation being on Friday, December 29, 2023″.