In other but since 1995, Israel withdraws from Jordanian territory occupied since 1967, in the south of the Araba Valley.


1791.- The first number of the “Newspaper of the City of Santa Fe de Bogotá”.

LOOK HERE: Mother found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in shooting of her minor son

1826.- Argentina defeat Brazil in the naval battle of the Corals.

1847.- US-Mexico War. The Americans land in Veracruz and begin the march on the Mexican capital.

1849.- Proclamation of the Roman Republica democratic model that lasted five months and that involved the abolition of the temporal power of the Potatoes.

1861.- Jefferson Davis is elected president of the Confederate States of America.

1900.- The American tennis player Dwight F. Davis founds the annual world trophy that bears his name.

1928.- The Nicaraguan general Augusto Cesar Sandino undertakes a military offensive against American troops and proclaims the Republic of Nueva Segovia.

1929.- Executed in Mexico José León Toralassassin of the president-elect, Alvaro Obregon.

1934.- Greece, Türkiye, Romania and Yugoslavia sign the Balkan Pact to guarantee security at the borders.

1936.- Leon Cortes is elected president of Costa Rica.

1942.- Fire destroys French ocean linerNormandy”, anchored in the port NY.

1943.- World War II: concludes the battle of Guadalcanalwith the abandonment of the island by the Japanese.

1961.- In Liverpool (United Kingdom), Musical group “the Beatles” debuts in a modest jazz club called “The Cavern”.

1991.- The independence of Lithuania of the USSR.

2004.- Mozilla rename the browser firebird as Firefox.

2005.- The British Prime Minister, Tony Blairpublicly apologizes to the “Guildford Four”, imprisoned for fifteen years for an attack by GONNA which they did not commit.

2006.- He Valencian Institute of Infertility (Spain) announces the birth, on January 21, for the first time in the world, of a healthy baby from a couple carrying the genetic disease LHH (familial hemaphagocytic lymphohistiocytosis).

2007.- The president of Bolivia, Evo Moralessigns the decree of nationalization of the metallurgical mining complex Vintodependent on the Swiss multinational Glencore.

2009.- Facebook release your buttonI like”.

MORE INFORMATION: What is known about the helicopter accident in which the former president of Chile Sebastián Piñera died

2014.- Swiss approves in referendum limiting the entry of emigrants from the European Union to their labor market.

2017.- A Peruvian judge issues an arrest warrant against the former president Alejandro Toledo (2001-2006) for allegedly collecting $20 million in bribes from the Brazilian construction company Odebrecht.

2018.- An investigation by the British newspaper “The Times” reveals that managers of Oxfam they hired prostitutes behind the earthquake of Haiti.

2020.- The South Korean film “Parasites”win four Oscar awards including Best filmand becomes the first non-English language film to win the main category in Oscar history.

.- Ireland Elections: he Sinn Feinformer political arm of the now inactive GONNAbreak the bipartisanship in Ireland.

2021.- The Emirati Hope probe successfully enters the orbit of Marsthus becoming the fifth space power to reach the Red planet.

2023.- The Spanish-Peruvian writer, Mario Vargas Llosa, Nobel Prize in Literatureenter the French Academywhich makes him the first writer in Spanish to enter that institution.


1910.- Jacques L. MonodFrench scientist, Nobel Prize winner in Medicine and Physiology 1965.

1926.- Garrett FitzgeraldIrish politician.

1940.- John Michael CoetzeeSouth African writer of Anglo-German origin, Nobel Prize in Literature in 2003.

1943.- Joseph Eugene StiglitzAmerican economist, Nobel Prize in Economics in 2001.

[1945- Mia FarrowAmerican actress.

1950.- Javier MariscalSpanish painter and designer.

1957.- Jaco van Dormaelfilm director, Belgian.


1881.- Fedor DostoyevskyRussian novelist (January 28, according to the Julian calendar).

1977.- Queen Alia of Jordanthird wife of King Hussein.

1981.- Bill HaleyAmerican composer, one of the precursors of rock.

1984.- Yuri AndropovSoviet political leader.

1994.- Howard M. TeminAmerican geneticist, Nobel Prize winner in Medicine 1975.

.- Orlando ContrerasCuban singer.

ALSO SEE: Sebastián Piñera’s wake LIVE | Latest news on the accident of the former president of Chile, autopsy, news and more

nineteen ninety five.- William FulbrightAmerican politician.

2002.- Princess MargaretBritish aristocrat, sister of Queen Elizabeth II of England.

2006.- Ron Greenwoodfootball player and coach, English.


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