In a but from 1956, protests in the United States over the entry into the University of Alabama of Vivian Malone Jones, the first black student at that academic institution.


1904.- Japan breaks diplomatic relations with Russia due to the existing rivalry between both states for the control of Korea and Manchuria.

LOOK HERE: Fires in Chile LIVE | Last minute of the tragedy in Valparaíso that leaves at least 123 dead

1906.- In Antofagasta (Chili), the massacre of Plaza Colonwhere hundreds of workers on strike over labor demands were killed by gunshots from the so-called White Guard linked to businessmen and wealthy classes.

1918.- He British Parliament approves a law that grants the right to vote to women over 30 years of age.

1920.- It premieres in ParisThe Three-Cornered Hat“, of Manuel de Fallawith decorations of Pablo Picasso.

1921.- In USA, Charles Chaplin releases his first feature film, The Kid (The boy).

1922.- The archbishop of Milan, Achile Rattiis elected pope and adopts the name Pius XI.

1946.- Chili founds its first base in Antarctica with the name of “Sovereignty Meteorological and Radiotelegraphic Station”, which he installed in the Greenwich Island South Shetland.

1952.- Isabel II becomes queen of Great Britain and Northern IrelandAfter the death of his father, king george vi at 57 years old.

1958.- crashes into Munich (Germany) the plane British European Airways in which the English football team traveled Manchester United .

1972.- In Nicaraguahe Liberal Party of the dictator Anastasio Somoza wins the constituent elections.

1973.- In Canadaconstruction begins CN Tower of communications, at that time, the highest in the world.

1979.- He Supreme Court of Pakistan confirms death sentence by hanging for former prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto and four members of the security forces for the attack against an opposition leader in 1974.

1988.- The presidents of Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay, Raul Alfonsin, Joseph Sarney and Julio María Sanguinettigathered in Cologne (Uruguay) define the integration of Uruguay into the economic and trade agreements between Argentina and Brazil, and promote the formation of the future common market of the Southern Cone.

1989.- The second phase of the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan planned in the Geneva Accords signed between Pakistan and Afghanistan in April 1988. General Boris Gromov He was the last man who crossed the pass on February 15. Termez (Uzbek-Afghan border).

1994.- The social democrat José María Figueres is elected president of Costa Rica.

1999.- Inaugurated in Rambouillet (France) the peace conference on Kosovo.

2006.- The French Isabelle Dinoiresubmitted to the first partial face transplantappears before the press in a massive conference broadcast live on television around the world.

2008.- The National audience Spain orders to arrest 40 soldiers in Rwandafor the crimes of genocide and terrorismwhom he accuses of the death of four million Rwandans in the nineties and the murder of nine Spaniards.

MORE INFORMATION: Who is Yang Hengjun, the Chinese-Australian writer sentenced in China to a suspended death sentence?

2011.- The POT presents for the first time images of the solar surface and his atmosphere.

2015.- Canada legalizes medical assisted suicide for terminally ill.

2016.- In The Saviorthe Police arrest 17 retired soldiers involved in the massacre of 6 jesuits in 1989.

2018.- The American company Space-X launches into space Falcon Heavy rocketthe most powerful in the world.

2020.- The Chinese doctor Li Wenliangthe first to warn about the appearance of coronavirusdies infected by this disease in Wuhanwhere the pandemic.

2021.- The government of Cuba eliminates the list of activities allowed in the private sector and leaves only 124 occupations limited or prohibited, which opens the doors to the expansion of the I work on my own accord.

2022.- He Spanish Language is incorporated into the register of international treaties of the UN.


1833.- José María PeredaSpanish writer.

1911.- Ronald Reaganactor, former US president.

1917.- Zsa Zsa GaborAmerican actress, of Hungarian origin.

1932.- Francois TruffautFrench film director.

[1945- Bob MarleyJamaican musician.

1950.- Natalie ColeAmerican singer.


1916.- Ruben DarioNicaraguan poet.

1918.- Gustav KlimtAustrian painter.

1963.- Abd-el-Krimformer Rifeño chief who fought against the Spanish until 1923.

1984.- Jorge GuillénSpanish poet of the generation of ’27.

1988.- María del Carmen Polo and Martínez-Valdéswife of the dictator Francisco Franco.

ALSO SEE: The impressive images of the fires that devastate central-southern Chile

1991.- Maria ZambranoSpanish writer and philosopher.

nineteen ninety five.- Maruja MalloSpanish painter.

2012.- Antoni TapiesSpanish painter and sculptor.


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